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An entertaining tale of ongoings in the mythical Land of Locks! Probably a lot of inside stuff I'm not getting here, but that slice of life randomness with aliased figures for added sense of strangeness always manages to entertain! Happy Lock Day.


LipLawk responds:

Don't worry, there really weren't any big "inside jokes" for you to miss. Just a lot of "these people act like this every day" jokes. It was really just a "slice of life" type animation, so I'm glad you enjoyed that. =)
It was a lot funnier on paper... but I hope on my next project, I'll be able to get more of the funny into the finished work!

Fun and family friendly froggin'! Refreshing with something like this every once in a while, though at the end... it feels like it wasn't really over. They had their dive, threw the macho frog off balance, unexpected ending twist, but still... it feels like these are all elements in a plot with potential for some much stronger punchline, it ends a bit early. Voice acting feels a bit too much like a layer, maybe you could work on removing background noise, cut out static afterwards, or just try some reverb to get the right clarity? It's good though, short kid show episode for all ages! Penguin counter fun detail.


wad247 responds:

Thank you
It's all a working progress at the moment.

The lip sync breaks after a while. I switched tabs a moment, but kept the music playing, which makes me think maybe the animation pauses when the browser window isn't active... but the music does not? It seems like it was made to sync otherwise. Love the music (sounds like Rammstein), and the animation isn't bad either, but the message it's supposed to convey (seems to be political) I can't say I'm getting, subtitles could be good here. ;) Overall, great work!


Deja vu! It's like an expanded edition of Downtime, with all new graphics and visual grandeur! Could've called it Locked Out hehe, heh, yeah. Good fun,


SavvyOverDog responds:

Wow...I should have called it that. Dammit.

A glimpse into the long lost and forgotten times of awesomeness that... don't seem that far into the past after all! Nicely done though.


SMGrim responds:

Thank you :)

Awesome music, awesome animation, dark, gritty and inspiring. Nice work!


ArsenalStudios responds:

Thanks Cyberdevil. I appreciate it.

lol, wasn't expecting that at all! Positively surprised it was more than a fart joke. :P Nice idea.


sadakab responds:

Haha everyone expected an explosive fart

lmao, it's like a n actual episode of DBZ all packed together in short and watchable form! But not really. Entertaining stuff!


Soupcat responds:

Thanks man, you always know the right thing to say. Keep doing the lords work!

lol, surprise twist at the end, and with Luigi too. Would've thought DK could easily climb between those platforms though, seeing as he is a... monkey and stuff hmm! Anyway, entertaining work!


JumpNJetz responds:

A lot has happened since the first Donkey Kong game, he has let himself go... Anyways, thanks for the review Cyberdevil! :D

Bamboo Shoots!

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