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Doesn't sound that bad at all. :) Inspiring short, and music instead of dialog... it works!


Raziberry responds:

Aw, thank you!

Ahh love, it lasts but for a fleeting moment and then... pop. :P A short piece of refreshingly harmonious entertainment!


koit responds:

Thanks CD, always nice to see what you write.

How about a link to that extra animation without requiring a click on said links to rewatch said movie to once again get to said links? As always awesome spritemation and voicing, and from a game I'd never heard of before, all great!


JumpNJetz responds:

Thanks for letting me know, I cant believe I missed that x___x Anyways thanks for the review as always Cyberdevil! :D

lol, he shouldn't have messed with those flies! XD Was surprisingly little sound at the end there, but overall: test well done, it's got everything a comedy short would need content-wise, and decent animation too.


Natah responds:

Thkx for your notices cyberdevil ;)

Seemed like there'd be an irresponsible grown-up in the background at first, but that's... one creepy kid. O_o Hoped for a better ending, but alas, it seems his fate will lie in that fishbowl with the firm mermaid at his side. Really smooth animation overall, nice work!


Jectoons responds:

Thanks for the review. His fate is apparently clouded by saliva. Glad you liked it!

Seems like I must indeed watch the previous two for this to make any sense. :) It's great though, brutal, but also so symbolic, with the fear of the unknown, the forgive and forget, the do good does good and some evil is just evil... and though you do mention what the symbolism shows I'd like to interpret it in a less-religious context, of the consequences of what we do and what we choose to do; understanding, regardless of what we believe in. Nice work!


nahtanojmal responds:

Yes you really do need to watch the previous ones and Thanks Cyber devil ;)

I liked the intro, and outro, and those realistically animated segments inbetween those and the inner animation, yet the whole 'Stage Cleared, Level Up' segments felt somewhat.... repetetive. Interesting mixture between styles though, and voice acting is great, maybe a bit faster pace, or more varied transitions between events would make it flow even better, or.. I suppose the monotone approach to the leveling up thing is part of the story, how in the end it's a senseless obsession. Anyway, good animation!


exninja123 responds:

Thanks for the review! :D

Music really building up the suspense at the end there! Feels like the 3D animation overall's a bit stiff, it works nicely for the blocky aspects of animation, like the tram rolling on through the ungrounded world, pompous pieces of architecture rising out of the murky depths... but feels a little unpolished in others. Voice acting's great, and the somewhat mysterious story has me looking forward to the next part!


JMartin97 responds:

thanks for the great review :)

So random. XD Goodwill with Good ol Will! Smith blown to Smithereens like a leaflet of cream. Happy Lock Day!


SavvyOverDog responds:

Happy Lock Day Friend!

Bamboo Shoots!

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