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You really present your family in the brightest light! Starts off an entertainingly educational animation, and ends a really personal one. Nicely presented, and animated, and for the diabetes thing: how early on did you get it? Hope I didn't miss it - I don't think I heard a year in the video. I guess you need to alter your diet a lot too - avoid all sugary foods? I like how it's all in a positive tone btw, despite the negative context. Keep fighting the good fight!!


GrahamDrawsButts responds:

I got 'type 1 diabetes' when i was '4 years old'

'The stay away from sugary foods' thing is actually a pretty common misconception, and im glad to clear it up for you...
Sugary foods just need larger doses of insulin earlier. Sugar is fast acting and spikes blood sugars quickly. For example: A Juice box (super sugary) would react alot faster than lets say a tuna sandwich ( less sugary )

If you have any more questions, send em my way!
thanks for the feedback btw appreciate it :)


Love is a but a brief and fleeting moment. XD Fun stuff, though the recording quality's a bit sharp on the voices. Not sure if that's the intended effect, or you could maybe use a better microphone there? Crisp, clear and unclipping sounds would bring it a level further! Nice work though.


GrahamDrawsButts responds:

I have gotten a better mic since this video was made, my next upload should be alittle crisper :)
Still not recorded at a professional level yet tho :(

Heavy are the respons abilities of the grown-up man! XD Nice short.


artistunknown responds:

That they are. And some of us can't deal with those responsibilities :c


I've gotta watch some of these episodes some time. XD Awesome work piecing together voice with suitable imagery like this, all nicely animated and supper fitting, though that ending shot: brutal! The happy sloth would've been such a feelgood ending though! I feel for that sloth.


Tyrinnis responds:

Thank you! i thought the happy, ok, sloth ending would have been too predictable. So I went with something more spuratic at the end. i'm glad you enjoyed my animation btw :)

So unexpected, and so awesome! XD It really is a Happy Halloween now! Hope you had a good one.


SnowBacon responds:

Haha thanks a lot! ; O ;

It is pretty brutal when life does that. XD And at the most unexpected times to! Nice one.


QuillDn responds:

lol life is pretty unpredictable, thanks

Ah, here's one for that first one I reviewed! Interesting to see the process behind it, and the reference. All a very somber shade of gray in this one, the image itself, the reference, the interface and everything XD. Good speedpaint.


Sgtobnoxious responds:

I thank you again, Cyb. I appreciate you appreciating the work I put into this :)

Seems like it's going to be an interesting game! :) Nice attention to jiggle and expression, though flips and similar don't feel 100% authentic. Nice work.


misterprickly responds:

Thank you very much.

I do still have to work on making the flips look more genuine, the same with the swimming animation.

The game is gonna be a sort of gender swapped "Ghouls n Ghosts" where you lose clothes for every hit you take.

Nice speedpaint!


Sgtobnoxious responds:

Thanks a lot, muchly appreciated =]

That really went tits up huh. :P If that's the pun: nicely done! :) Bit basic animation though.


exobnkr responds:

Playing with tits :-) Sure, i did not made a great animation. I finally found that it is a bit more complicated when we have to move a character on a object.

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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