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Short, but very smooth!


ibrabdo responds:

thx :)

When it's all over, she seems to know surprisingly much about those T-shirts! XD Probably the most charming clothing commercial I've seen through, and refreshingly clean. Simple, cute and convincing. Wonder if we'll be seeing more promos like this? Nice work!


MrOuYang responds:

Thank you CD~ Hope in the future can create more than promos with her if her manga is successful ^^

I like the style! Was a bit different from the norm, and though the animation's a bit choppy (too few frames or low FPS?) the action flows well. Trying to decide whether sound effects would make it better or not... as it is, it kinda fits the style without them. Not bad.


Kylecate98 responds:

Thank you!

Pretty good action, though the quality toggle feels a bit unnecessary when there's no Flash version. :/ Could you upload that as well? For those who do have Flash, it'll look much better. Everything becomes a little pixelated when compressed as video.


ZeoMadness responds:

i release the flash version sometime

Voice acting really takes the comedy to a new level. XD Not sure I really follow the punchline, but eh... random is entertaining too. Not bad.


Nightzebragun responds:

Thanks for comment :)

Pretty cool how you played it like the actual fight... right up until the end there! Re-animating the actual scene with just one new character... pretty cool idea! The fluidity of the fight really comes across too.


DuDuL responds:

Thanks man! I'll try to play around more fight scenes. It's really fun and rewarding to animate

Getting pretty serious now! Can't wait for the showdown. When they go down. Hopefully they won't zone out and postpone rounds with furrowed frowns, but shoot some clowns with those dope headfold sounds! And live in peace and harmonica ever after. Crazy (with that I mean great) episode as always.


Sexual-Lobster responds:


Woah, an end to the first season of Yonder Ho! Longest-running season on NG, maybe? I thought the year 2088 was a mistake in the beginning, but I guess it really is huh! Not so many futuristic elements in this one as in the previous. Not so much random and crazy either, but still some entertaining dialog amidst the story. Also: looks like a different style of animation at the beginning? Non-paint?

The jump from the window looked like he was getting sucked out, and you've got a white border to the left early on in the Moon Base episode (classy finale there too XD), otherwise it's looking good. Happy to see another one of these episodes is out, and for Halloween no less! :D Wonder how the second season will turn out, seems like there might be some squirrely changes.


Bertn1991 responds:

Thank you very much, Cyberdevil! I always love reading your reviews. You're a very thoughtful and attentive person <3

Yep, the current year in Yonder Ho is 2088. Most of them aren't animated, but all my stories take place in the same universe. Yonder Ho is a very loose continuation of stories I made that took place during the 1860s, and my series of (really terrible) Game Maker games, which took place in the future.

As for the animation, all of the character art is still done with Paint, but most of the backgrounds were drawn in Photoshop. I did use a old film filter for the pre-intro part. Actually, the little year counter at the beginning was a simple program I made. I just used a screen recorder to capture it.

Yeah, there's a few animation errors here and there XD Happy you liked the Moon Base showdown though!

Anyways, thanks again for all your support. I'm happy you liked the episode overall!

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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