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The only thing this is missing is a scene selection menu. Not that it's particularly long to watch, but I felt compelled to watch LightingLions part of the animation once more before I mentioned that as a definite favorite. This collab is just overflowing with creativity though, so many bizarre and grotesque motion or friendly entertainment all intertwined with music that fits in perfectly, even though it doesn't seem to be specifically synced to the animation. From what I've read it took some intense work to get it done too, so lots of props for the effort! And pretty much all animations included hold a high quality standard, great work!


Zeebra responds:

Wow thanks Cyberdevil for the great review. And we will definetly be incorporating a scene selector next time. Or should we abandon the interactive swf and move on to the easy to use Mp4...
Finding the right music was one of the hardest parts. And I thank metalbooster for all his recommendations from which I chose the "Forest Funk". Some would say it was bland and repetitive but I believe it provided the perfect foundation for everyone's animations to shine.

This was awesome, so refresingly random and blissful at the same time. The style of animation is innovative and smooth, the music and sound effects always fitting, and the plot is just overflowing with creativity. It's not just a short either, there's plenty of story and content, and I like the fact that it's completely without language, just sound, and still easy to understand. Great work!


Toonbox responds:

We believe you will like the next episodes as well! ))) Thank you so much!

A day with death? Hah, genius idea! The title wasn't very revealing, and I still ghave no idea what the Dual Force actually stands for (two powers of evil? the two main characters? the clash of their wills?) but it was a great watch. The voice acting in particular really brings it to new hieghts, especially the voice of Death. It goes without saying that his parts of the action are the best parts of this flick, even the unvoiced ones. Apart from the power beam looking incredibly small when zoomed out on the bland neighborhood at the end, the fight was intense, and the animation both comical and satisfying. I was expecting Death to stay at their house though. His car running out of fuel and all that, you know? Nice work!


Twisted4000 responds:

I don't even know what Dual Force means either exactly, I guess like, the two main characters, Aaron and Jeffery. And the whole car thing is sort of a plot hole, since I was going to continue this story but now I don't want to, lol.

Well this was a mixture of random and entertaining. I really should start watching series from the first episode onward, but since this made it to the top five (and daily feature to top it off! congrats!) I'm just jumping straight into the action. Though the introductory scene seems to make as little sense as possible to a newcomer in the Adrellia Village world, the latter part of the animation follows a more logic chain of events. Characters are introduced before they appear, which is good for people who haven't seen previous episodes, and towards the end it seems like something big is about to get started. I'll keep an eye out for the next one.

The animation is nice and simple, voice acting good, and the surplus of sound effects and mostly ambient music really contribute to the atmosphere. It feels like most of them were heaped at the start of the animation though, and towards the end there's not much background static. Anyway, keep it going! Looking forward to the next one.


MistyE responds:

Thank you for your review! Actually you only need to see episode 42 to understand this - this episode is just a "bridge" episode between episodes 42 and 44. Thanks again for the great review!

A parody on the heart of YouTube. :) Though I can't relate to the gameplay itself, the gaming video puns are easy to relate to. Good animation, good idea, and good voice acting even though it's often surprisingly calm considering the characters apparent desperation. Nice work!


g31r responds:

Thanks, I appreciate the honest feedback! I'm still trying to improve on voice acting.

Haha, he really did lose it! :D What a genius idea, and combined with the octopussish waving of his arms it's just awesome to watch. Great voice acting and music and motion. Keep it going!


CyanSandwich responds:


Anything Madness-related is bound for awesomeness, but this collaboration just so happens to be particullarly graphical and effectual. Even though the graphics are similar for all the animations, there are still some style-specific traits on all of them. Interesting seeing the differences, and even more so, it's a great venture through carness and madness. Would be nice if all the animations had sound effects, but in terms of graphics, they're all amazing. Great work!


Clatform responds:

Thanks for the great review!

I'd be surprised if this entry doesn't win the competition. Fluent animation, great voice acting, and a nice showcase of NG features at the end. It's both random and genius. The screenshots at the end could've flashed by faster though. For the submission page, I'd have thought you'd go through the submission pages for all content forms, since all content forms are mentioned. Just a note. Overall it was fun to watch, and maybe/hopefully it'll rake in a ton of new users from other social platforms too. Great job!


WhiteLightning responds:

Thank you! I appreciate the detailed review :)

Awesome. Just awesome. Do I really need to say more? Well ok, that combination of cute cats (even the one with three eyes is considerably cute) and destruction and inhumane power is just genius. The meowing liven up the piece to preceding heights, and the fat that 'english sub' is included in the title, as if anyone would actually be able to understand these cats anyway, is a heavy dose of subtle comedy. Love the fluent animation, the action, the randomness and the destructive forces that come into play. It's both cute and intense. Great work!


MarmotaStudio responds:

Thank you for your great review!

Bamboo Shoots!

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