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Anything Madness-related is bound for awesomeness, but this collaboration just so happens to be particullarly graphical and effectual. Even though the graphics are similar for all the animations, there are still some style-specific traits on all of them. Interesting seeing the differences, and even more so, it's a great venture through carness and madness. Would be nice if all the animations had sound effects, but in terms of graphics, they're all amazing. Great work!


Clatform responds:

Thanks for the great review!

I'd be surprised if this entry doesn't win the competition. Fluent animation, great voice acting, and a nice showcase of NG features at the end. It's both random and genius. The screenshots at the end could've flashed by faster though. For the submission page, I'd have thought you'd go through the submission pages for all content forms, since all content forms are mentioned. Just a note. Overall it was fun to watch, and maybe/hopefully it'll rake in a ton of new users from other social platforms too. Great job!


WhiteLightning responds:

Thank you! I appreciate the detailed review :)

Awesome. Just awesome. Do I really need to say more? Well ok, that combination of cute cats (even the one with three eyes is considerably cute) and destruction and inhumane power is just genius. The meowing liven up the piece to preceding heights, and the fat that 'english sub' is included in the title, as if anyone would actually be able to understand these cats anyway, is a heavy dose of subtle comedy. Love the fluent animation, the action, the randomness and the destructive forces that come into play. It's both cute and intense. Great work!


MarmotaStudio responds:

Thank you for your great review!

Oh man, this is just... genius! :D I'm not expecting a sequel, but I wouldn't mind one anyway. There are so many more characters that could be thrown into the mix to be parodied, especially that pervy old turtle master I-forget-his-name. I'm surprised he didn't make an appearance already, but maybe that would just be too cliche. The voice acting, especially the eternal grunts, really add a lot of DBZ nostalgia, and the flying somersault or whatever that is = awesome. This has got to be one of the best April submissions this year. Nice work!


Sexual-Lobster responds:


The sttle of music makes me think of Samurai Champloo, and there are certainly some similar styles in the animation as well, though there's definately no samurai. At first I thought the animation was realistic and fresh but for most part of the animation, there really isn't much animation, mostly still images. They're still all detailed though, and towards the end the animation gains new motion. I like the gritty style, sketchy and raw, even though some elements are a bit unpolished. Nice work!


JAW729 responds:

Thanks for the critique. 5 months of juggling responsibilitieis and skills. I'm still developing my understanding of upload efficiency with this Flash.

I seen Samaurai Champloo...you are absolutely right in that it has it's own intention for character. Something in it for anybody, any walk of life, any sexual orientation (note: I have videos I edited that have a similar editing style...I have had this style before knowing about anybody else doing this, even Samarai Champloo'). Though both of us have a Wally Wood influence in some of the grafflic rendering, I will admit that. I prefer coitus hentai on mine.

Hah, I was expecting some kind of pool pun as soon as his name was called out, but not this! It's a both bizarre and entertaining short. The style of animation is pretty interesting too, bit different from the usual. Keep it up!


Gerkinman responds:

Thanks mate, im really trying to seperate myself from most other animators out there.

Hah, anything with Doom in it = awesomeness. :D I don't think I've seen any comedy mixed in with Doom before. It's a... refreshing experience! :D The curser is in the way a bit, but apart from that, nice work!


SamuraiClinton responds:

Finally somebody appreciates this.

Its too bad people expect to see machinimas made with ACS code in ZDoom, instead of post-production editing with screen-capturing of live gameplay. I feel that I get a better story in proportion to the production time when not using ACS script. Because so what if the story is not quite as good without ACS, its more about ratios and proportions when dealing with somebody who is under resource contraints.

Bamboo Shoots!

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