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Did I say steak I meant snake, haha, Brewster's has got to be my favorite. There's a ton of creativity stuffed into this though, and so many different styles. I appreciated every single one of them, all with something unique to contribute and a few that would easily have made standalone movies. The Decky & Reckless part in particular was extraordinarily long for just a collab. Apart from the animations, even the credits were awesome, great with a preliminary showcase of all the characters and then previous on all of them, and there's comedy everywhere you look! Kind of wish this was in flash format instead of mp4, with menus and stuff (could've saved in filesize too), but I shouldn't be complaining about such trivialism. Great work!


ReklessCreati0n responds:

Started out as a flash format with menu's and everything as you were saying, but the file size was too much for flash to handle so we had to compromise and actually lost a bit of content in the process or compiling as a video file.

Thanks for watching, I'm glad you enjoyed it. :D

That's what happens when someone lets a nuke off by accident, or purpose, or both. The whole concept is incredibly random, the albatross of destruction, living in a sub, the captain getting beamed up, and then everything is blown away. Completely random, but still a plot to follow. The mixture of regular animation and effects works well, the great explosions, the burning fire, how the city sinks down at the end to revewal a spacey continuation. Animation isn't the smoothest, but the transitions and effects are on another level. Nice work!


Danno147 responds:

Thanks! Glad you liked it! My idea for episode 2 is equally random, but hopefully just as entertaining.

I'm moved. This is beautiful, both imaginative and sad, and the style of animation is perfect for the plot. The dreams are symbolic, the meeting that could have been at the end, the exchange of caring, from a distance. I'm not sure what all those little mice are supposed to do, or what they symbolize, but I love the imaginative feeling this animation conveys. Beautiful music too, fitting all the way. Great work!


AndrePaz responds:

Thank you! (Sorry for the late answer, now my internet is back) The mice are a representation of brain cells which creates the dream scenario :) Those are the ones I like the most from the movie XD

Hahahaaa, crazy! Chewbaca? Kiss of life? Giraff? The final transformation was a bit creepy, and the giant hand running there, hah, it's like a series of nightmares in nightmares, a cycle of inception. Smooth stopmotion too btw, great work!


funymony responds:

Thank you!

Stop Motion creeped me out when I was young. Sometimes I still wake up in cold sweats thinking about Mr.Bumpy and the California Raisins. It's probably Claymation that creeps me out the most.

Another awesome music/video combination! Though it seems the amount of included animation isn't as great as the last one, it's more like a promo for the series you're linked to at the end. Is it? Still a catchy tune though, catchy and creative. Nice work!


Sexual-Lobster responds:

essentially yes its a piece to add another dimension to the series and direct people towards it.

Heh, what a great product idea! hairy eyes? lmao, insane. The animation is smooth, the concept good, and the voice acting is probably the best part. Great maniacal laugh at the end there. Nice work!


DuDuL responds:

Apa voice is the cherry at the top of this animation!
Thanks man

The greatest movies are about the most random ideas, lmao. Great animation, great idea, and some awesome transitions too, like the day - night, moving from front to top-down view, etc, there's plenty of creative movement in the animation. Funky ending twist too, great work!


Kreid responds:

Thankya, there's a few things that I wanted to test out in this one like light and as you say, the movement transitions. Preparing myself for something biiiig!

Hah, the soundtrack combined with that automatic voice-acting and crazy character animation is just bizarre. Their expressions so perfectly convey their emotions, too. At a first glance it looks a bit lousily animated, but am I imagining things or does the animation quality get better towards the end of the series? Either way it's simple fun, nice work!


TheRealNat23 responds:

Thanks for being honest.

Bamboo Shoots!

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