Looking good!
I cant wait for the real thing to come out!Keep up the great work!Btw,why is it called "skate theree"?
Looking good!
I cant wait for the real thing to come out!Keep up the great work!Btw,why is it called "skate theree"?
It is out, check my other flash movies. It's my third skate animation.
I have no idea who hybrid clock is,but great intro anywayz,good music and pretty good animation too,keep up the great work!
Hybrid clock is some lame clock we invented last year.
That was great!You sure put a lot of buttons into this.It inspires me to make a parody of the red button aswell,i think ill call it "the green button",lol,keep up the great work!
Green button has already been made.
For a first flash this is pretty good.Niiice animation style too,different.It was pretty short though,shouldve been longer,but other then that it was great.Keep up the great work!Looking forward to your 2nd animation!=)
Thankyou for your input ^_^
Pretty good!
Really good for your first submission!Probably not your first flash though,right?lol,really funny.Great animation too,and great music!I didnt expect it to be a music video.=) The size was pretty big though,you should optimize the sound some more,well,keep up the great work!
Will keep the file size in mind next time. I didnt want to mess up the audio quality too much since I also originally intended for it to be on dvd as well, though that ended up not happening. Ive seen a lot of 3+ MB submissions so i wanted to keep it under that if possibly. I'll get my next few under 2MB.
lol,another awsome thrice movie!Even better then the last one!Do you have any plans on making a 3rd part in this series?Hope so.Keep up the good work!
I am halfway thru the 3rd one right now.
I'm stuck though for the story.
lol,thrice is a really cool dude!...and he can move rocks too!lol,allhtough that didnt really look like a rock,rocks dont look like that.Entertaining though,im looking forward to seeing pt.2!Keep up the good work!
computer rock?
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04