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Pretty good. Nice switch between sprites and reality, and entertaining all the way through, and then... The End, lmao. Keep it going!


Yoshi-1up responds:

Mwauhauhauhaahhahahahahaa YAHOO! <3

This had a pretty interesting style of animationg, gray/brown and gritty, makes the animation seem very old, and some of the effects (like the smoke and snow) are oddly realistic. The surroundings are amazingly detailed as well, and the objects seem both drawn and dimensional, it's an odd combination of what seems to be manual and digitally drawn artistry. Not sure about the plot but it was, majestically made. Nice work!


samuel1234 responds:

THanks. Your obserations on the style are pretty spot on. It is a mix of all those things :)
There is actually no flash involved, it's all 2d pictures stuck together in 3d space using adove after effects.
I like the quirky results you get...

Thanks for the kind words ;)

Haha, another entertaining episode! Always fun watching them dinosaurs run akom in everyday life in the place of regular humans. Good animation, even better voice acting. keep it going!


AnimonsterOfficial responds:

Thank you kind sir!

Haha, I can relate to this, lmao, that's exactly what it's like walking through caves without repel. Nice twist at the end. :) The animation is smooth, the drawings simple but lifelike, and the whole layout is just like the game. Pikachu doesn't look as cute, but still, it's all pretty similar. Nice work!


LitPower responds:

Thanks a lot, hopefully I can get better and get that pikachu all nice and cute for you if I ever decide to do another pokemon parody ;)

if only banks were that lenient in their loans. :D Apart from those deep voices not really fitting with the character figures, twas an entertaining short! Smooth animation and a... good plot (?). :P Keep it going!


WaldFlieger responds:

Thanks! Will do!

I guess I'd understand more of this if I watched the... series? Or game? Or whatever it is. I like the animation, but as for the pun I guess it' too parody-relevent to be fun on it's own. Keep it going though, the voice acting and drawing is great!


ToonHole responds:

Thanks Cyberdevil. A lot of the jokes were inside jokes. We have some nonparody stuff coming down the pipes I think you'll enjoy! I hope you stick around to see us pull it off!

Oh snap, lmao, what a random sequence of events. :) If he hadn't dropped the camera, he could've taken a picture at the end. I was kind of expecting him to pick up a cellphone or something and snap a picture of the destruction, but even without that twist, it was a fun watch. The graphics are rather simple at times, especially how the entire city is just like a box in a wide landscape of nothingness, but even without detail it was a great idea, and a lot of things depicted. Nice work!


Brewster responds:

Thanks! I wanted to do more with the backgrounds but I started to run out of time before the end of the month, and I really wanted to get this done before that happened, so the BGs turned out pretty basic looking. Thanks for the review.

Hah, nice one. The animation in this is incredibly smooth and fluent, and the hands incredibly expressive. At the end it almost feels like he's using too many gestures. Great watch otherwise, nice work!


Kiigen responds:

Yeah, I shoulda just had him lift his pinky then go to his hat for the tip. Skip the one or two extra gestures.

That intro screen is confusing. At first I thought there was a shitload of content included in the flash, all kinds of material related to the main animation, but nah, it was just ads. :( As for the flash itself, it was a fun watch, funny and random, and using cute hamsters for it was a great idea. Nice work!


WaldFlieger responds:

They ARE all related! Thanks a lot!

Haha, I wasn't expecting! :) So random and... fitting. Doesn't sound as overly annoying to me as it seems to some people, but it's the animation where the focus lies anyway, the end is just genius, great expressions! Keep up the great work1


Rovertarthead responds:

Ha yea I always like the term Expect the unexpected its one of my favorite lines cause anything can happen in the world of animation. That Alarm sound could get real annoying but yea it dosent bother me even tho I've heard it so much.. Thank you and I always make at least some point in all my animations so everyone and everything can understand it.

Bamboo Shoots!

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