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Hah, I can relate to this, this new trend is just uncontrollably sweeping the country! :) Nice twist at the end,and the Harlem Shake video too, which looks like it was made specifically for this flash... or is that actually an original? Either way, nice work!


EpicPopcorn responds:

Thanks! Apparently its not the original one, but it has a lot of views XD

Hah, well that was unexpected. The watermelon falling as unexpected, him being revived was unexpected, the surrounding dead were unexpected, the entire animation was just a mixture of unexpected combinations. :) Interesting idea using fruits and flowers and stuff instead of regular people, and the voice acting, animation, etc is as great as always! Keep it going!


Sexual-Lobster responds:


lmao, a nother cray coallition of dinosaurs and regular plot. :) Weird as always seeing prehistoric creatures in the locations and situations that humans would regular be in. Great voice acting, and an even greater completely random plot, and in this one there's even a sex scene, lmao, that's a first. Nice work!


AnimonsterOfficial responds:

You're too kind.

Nice. Imagine if the movie had been like this, lmao, this was a nice twist to the regular order of events. Nice work with all the voice acting for the characters, and the simple cartoony animation style works well, lot of puns with other entities too, like birdspeak, Faux News, hehe, keep it going!


ADASport responds:

Thanks for your review!

Haha, that ending is twisted! :D Nice... pun? parody? Well whatever it is, it's nice, short and entertaining. The 'I know what you've been watching' sounded like something else the first time around though. Anyway, keep it going!


NoahBit responds:

Thanks dude. I've got another one coming soon and it will look ten times better than this. I hope you become a fan.

Oh what a fishy movie this is, haha. It's a bit bizarre seeing regular faces on fish, not to mention haircuts and accesories (like that necklace, lol), it all builds up some pretty interesting characters though, and it's a bit different how they're all floating around. Nice plot, and the ending... lmao. :D Keep it going!


CaffeineClown responds:

Thanks for the review! Yeah I thought while I was designing the characters, putting hair and accessories on fish seemed a little weird ... but then I figured it's no stranger than people drawing human boobs on bipedal talking cat ladies! So I felt better about it after that! :P

'Poofish' will likely be a series of simply made animations while I work on longer, more complex ones. I didn't see the need to put in all sorts of crazy movements and composistions when they are essentially just floating around. I'll save that for the other cartoons I have planed!

This is amazing. Looks just like real footage too, I wouldn't think it was actually made from digital particle effects if you hadn't mentioned it, it looks like... I don't know, some of the effects look like grains of colored sand getting brisked away by a breeze, others look like drops of paint in water. The clean white background really makes the particles seem alive. Must've taken a pretty powerful computer to work with 80 million particles? As you say, it's beautiful, and the classical music flows well with the animation. Nice work!


Alldin responds:

Thank you for the feedback !
Indeed it required a powerful computer to render everything.
It was about 69 hours of rendering in total. =)

Simulations does take time ! ^^

Awosome style. It's like a collection pf artwork for the movie brought to life. The dark and detailed style looks awesome, and the new details for some of characters, like whiskers on Catwomen (lol) catch your attention easily. It's a short trailer but looks incredibly detailed and professional. I like the comic frames and transitions, making it look like it's a comic book brought to life. Great work!


skewster responds:

That was my/our intention. It works obviously. Thank you very much, Cyberdevil!

Haha, having played Pokemon so much, this is just hilarious. :D Great work put into the voice acting especially, and building up the characters visions before it all goes to shit. Misdrevous really was a pain in the game, too. :) Great work!


Horsenwelles responds:

well thanky!

Bamboo Shoots!

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