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Haha, nice animation! It's a got a slow calm pace to it and great voice acting to back up the animation. It's a good topic too, though I wish it would've ended differently, dandelions really are good food. I never understand why people keep trying to cleanse their lawns from them instead of putting them in a salad. :) Nice work!


Warlord-of-Noodles responds:

they would need to have a real designated area. they effing MURDER your other plants. also, it's safe to assume there isn't pesticide and weed killer in the world of "no evil" contemporary dandelions on our lovely little planet, absorb toxins like a sponge.

Awesome. I was expecting some kind of pun with crime, but not this. It was a fun ride to watch, and the mimickry combined with the plot was a creative touch. Great music to go with it too, bit like circus music. I feel sad for those mimes though, next time I walk past one maybe I'll actually stop for once. Nice work!


CaffeineClown responds:

You should stop for one! You never know what they'll do if you don't!! (thanks for the review! :) )

Hehe, doesn't he ever get enough? A whooping 24 (did I get that right?) sprite shorts in one big animation. It was fun to watch! My favorite is probably the one with Yoshi, lmao, that's something you don't see in the game! Creative working with all the canon variations, and a gerat mixture of sound effects and graphics. Nice work!


Bigfoot3290 responds:

Thanks, CD! Yup, 24 just like the two previous Calamities. Glad you enjoyed it :D

Huh, this is actually based on something real? That was a surprise! Must watch the original episodes sometime and see how much the plot differs, cause this was just... crazy. :O Nice animation though, and a surprise ending that surprises even in its ending. Nice work!


NAveryW responds:

Thank you. The dialogue is pieced together from entirely different contexts.

Haha, had to watch this again to get the point. I suppose I could've just read that tweet though, lmap, great interpretation of the tweet though! Short and entertaining. :) What game is that they're playing at the start btw? Looks like a classic. Great work!


EpicPopcorn responds:

Tecmo Super Bowl! Thanks for the nice words :)

I love this movie. :)

First off, an interesting take on the classic tank logo intro animation, similar but still... fresh. As for the movie itself, the old linear grindhouse style is neat, combined with regular cartoon and just an overall random and humerous plot. The voice acting sucks, but somehow it makes it all the more ridiculous and entertaining. Great work1


RSQViper responds:

The voice acting is top notch! *cries*

A clash between two classics! :D That completely spirals out of control too, lmao. Great animation, great voice-acting, though Dexter doesn't really sound like Dexter (Stewies voice is just perfect, though). Nice adding the parents to the conversation too, if only for a short while. Keep it up!


Toonsmyth responds:

Thanks, man. Glad you appreciate my homage to Dexter. Although calling Stewie "classic" might be a bit of a stretch, but it's what the public demanded. More to come, so stay TOONed!

That combination of randomly insane expression and random transitions just cracks me up every time, and that was just the chorus. Between those there's plenty of variation, and the idea is just genius. Gotta get one of those. :D Great work!


Sexual-Lobster responds:


Woo, crazy animation! At the end it just spirals out of control. I like the helpless hopeless expression on the dudes face, and the song is catchy. Keep it going!


Gerkinman responds:

Ha ha, thanks mate.

Bamboo Shoots!

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