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Now that w as a pretty eerie dreamy! More so the parts with all the people looking than the part about getting dragged into the darkness. It's the smallest and most familiar things, I suppose. Wonder how much of this is really exactly as it was in the dream too: the pictures on the walls? Wallpapers on the walls? The door handle slightly twitching as you crawl out of the room to fetch the ball? Overall really nicely done! Smooth claymation/stopmotion, and more so you really build up the mood.


djavh responds:

Wow, I was going trough old comments, and found that I somehow missed to reply to this one. Better late than never I guess :). The dream took place in my grandparent's house around year 1992 and I was trying to recreate the scenery as closely as possible. I had and old wedding video on vhs transfered to dvd, just because there were some scenes filmed in this room and I wanted to see what the wallpapers looked like at that time (I don't have a vhs player now). There are the same pictures on the walls of my young father, aunt and some old pople in that room to this day. The cupboard still stands at the same spot to this day too. I took a photo of it when I was visiting my grandparents and made the exact little cardboard copy for a film. The carpet is no longer hanged on the wall, but it was at the time and I made it as close to the real one as possible. The twitching door handle was actually an accident. I kept touching it accidentally while animating the kid. I was going to photoshop it out, but my girlfriend suggested to keep it in, because she thought it added to the creepiness of the video. So I kept it as is. I really love your comments. They are always very insightful and it's clear that you pay attention while watching the videos. If you really liked this one, I would be very curious to know what you thought about my newest big (~23 minutes long) claymation video "Baby boy". It was uploaded here on October 2019, so check it out if you're interested. Thank you and have a nice day :)

lmao. XD Plenty of clues leading up to that ending, but it still gave a chuckle. The scripts riddled with witty wordplay, and voice acting as close to the original as you can get. Looks good, too. Wouldn't mind seeing Fapman actually tackle that fiendish femme fatale trio, but for parody purpose this was perfect. Nice work!


NeonIguana responds:

I agree. Fapman def needs to get his hands full with something other than himself. I just wanted to get the series started to be honest with you. There will be plenty of fun for Fapman in the future. Thanks for all the input!

That really summed it up! :D I'm impressed you managed to fit in pretty much all key points of the story (actually ran an X-Men movie marathon last week so this is still fresh in my mind). Something about the bridge though? Or did I just miss that part? Images are basic but entertaining, though narration feels a bit slurred sometimes. Wonder if you'll be making more similar ones, or just for the ones that seem a bit absurd when you simplify them like this? Good stuff.


duffosaur responds:

thanks and i will make another one once i pick a film or game

It's a whole new alternate reality for these guys! Finally Wolverine's getting some. Good stuff.


Kieeeeern responds:

Thanks so much!!!!!

....and then the clown floats off into the simmering moonlight! A falling star of untold promise. That was... weird. In a good way. It's like the world. We're becoming machines. Can't interact. Won't work.


FlonchDulloon responds:

beautiful interpretation, much appreciated

Hah, well at least you have a story to tell about it! XD An entertaining tale, both in narration and visuals. I suppose drinking tea without milk does have certain benefits...


Crunchlins responds:

Thanks very much for watching :)
Glad you got a laugh out of it!

Pretty nice speedpaint (speeddraw sounds... strange to say somehow, though technically that'd probably be better). As for the picture, maybe something you could submit here on NG too? Nice work.


kristinamartinartin responds:

I actually DID upload the drawing itself! :D You can find it right here http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/kristinamartinartin/violet-chachki

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