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Awesome! The mixture of regular sprite animation and transitions is pretty awesome. the additions of Arnolds real voice is a nice touch to it, like the flashback at the beginning. Was that from Commando btw? Otherwise the music is nice and 8-Bit, just like it should be. Smooth, varied fighting, and it gets interesting at the chase, not only fighting but a bunch of differert scenarious all mixed up. Even the Credits are awesome, really nice mix of layers and text. The yellow car btw, looks just like the one in his debut movie. :D Great work!


rebaz responds:

nah, i did the voice for arnold, sounded pretty good to say myself.

glad you liked it man

Aw, what a cute animation! That smile on the dug is just awesome, and the way it just keeps coming back all the time. The intro skit with his bone is awesome too. I thought that was going to be the pun of the animation, and then the UFO pops up, lmao! The ending is unexpected. I kinda wish the dog would have gotten his bone back though, but yeah, it's a good animation! Nice work! Moves a bit slow at times, but in the end it was worth waiting through. :)


KuroiSenshi responds:

Thanks for your comment. Originally there were 2 more scenes but were scrapped due to not having enough time and the timing is off in some places indeed, but ah well. As my first "full" animation I'm proud. :)

Not too bad! The characters all look good, and so do movements, weapons, blood effects etc. he background could use a facelift though, it's a bit.. gray. :P Lightning effects are a bit thick, and it feels like some sound effects could be added, like, when the bullets hit, the lightning strikes, etc. Oh btw, let the credits roll for a special re-run with background music, haha. Keep it going!


pogamessi999 responds:

grasias! tomere en cuenta lo que dises!


Short, fastpaced & entertaining! The handdrawn backround fits great for the intro, the sketchy style of animation is smooth and always moving and the scenery always detailed. Though the plot isn't much in itself the very expressive movements and faces make up for it many times over, keep it up!


ToonCastleTV responds:

Thanks buddy means a lot. This movie has a lot of PicoDay Magic in it, and really is a small miricale i got this here on time. I agree plot needs work, I'm actually going to release a longer version of this flash with more gags and violence when I have a moment ;)


Woah, smooth, fast, creative. All the lines that popup sync well with the music, and they all appear and point out in different angles and directions, even though the background is white you gave it a sense of movement that is pretty hard to achieve, great job on that. Overall its a prettu wellmade flash, intense, keep it going!


farfenwaffle responds:

Thank you! The trick I used to do that were tiny movements of the ball in relation to the camera. instead of the camera being completely locked to the ball.


It builds up, and it is scary indeed, great submission for Halloween! Starts off pretty ambient, but gets better and better the longer it progresses. Imaginative and wellmade, keep it going!


Syringes responds:

Yea im glad I got it done near halloween.

Thanks so much and I will : D

Bamboo Shoots!

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