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Sums up the series perfectly. XD Nice work!


CuteNikeChan responds:

Haha XD

Sure has been a while since the last installment! :) Happy to see the series back, and flashy as ever - even if the muzzle flashes look a bit faulty in their fragmented flickering. Animation's smooth overall, though still a bit unnatural motion sometimes, and some odd layers (like when she's reaching for that bomb in her jacket). It looks good though, colors and all. Wonder whatever happened to #4 though? Was there one? Was there supposed to be one? Been such a long time memory grows fragmented... but anywhoo, good to see this back in action again; looking forward the next piece!


Kel-chan responds:

It was there, just removed cuz of audio issues. Still on NG just locked, I have to reupload it. I dunno if I will. I'm kinda done with CG animation and maybe animation all together

Hehe, I can relate. XD Short but entertaining short. Considering the clickthrough rates their system seems to be working fine though, just not like we want it to work... looking forward to the new stuff!


artistunknown responds:

Yeah, it's working fine for their intentions, though really, it working at all kinda relies on the users to keep clicking on all the crap anyways.

Plenty of new stuff coming to look forward to!

Aw, what a sweet Christmas story. :3 Grinches, gifts and and gory greetings full of gibs and great gratitude! Seems like it missed the season a bit, but definately gets you back in that seasonal spirit. :P Nice work.


funymony responds:

Haha! Yeah, I definitely missed the deadline with this one. Damn holidays kept everybody busy. Maybe I can catch up this month on spreading the Valentines Day cheer. :D Thanks dude!

Love the lyrical abilities and Killer Bee combination, though that ending... could've been without that part!! That just aint Naruto. Good stuff otherwise.


EdwardMarr responds:

Yeah... I know...

lmao, very nicely delivered! Wouldv'e been great even with just the steaming bowl of soup as the credits roll, but the added receipt was the real icing on the cake. Feels kinda strange that the camera pans out and all the customers look at them when the guy starts getting intense - considering the voice acting doesn't hint at any actual added vocal intensity, but apart from that both animation and voicing's perfect. A simple thing scripted in such a way the entertainment value's really maxed out. Love it.


urbfilms responds:

Wow, thank you so much! Yeah, I definitely understand that point about the voice intensity, I'll work on it in the future. But thank you for your kind words, it means a lot!

Only you can make something glorious of such narrative! XD Entertaining as always, and a surprise guest appearance by an unexpected goddess of the sea too, always nice with surprises.


Sexual-Lobster responds:


Heh, well I did achieve a chuckle, but feels like the delivery could've been a bit more direct. Idea's good, but the dialog leads the way a a bit much, would've been better if the stripper appears before it's all properly explained, maybe? Also kinda... mild party scene at the beginning. Feels like you could do more with this, but not bad!


Cynicaldoodles responds:

Thank you for the feedback. You made some really good points for me to think about. Thanks again!

Well that was brutal! XD Nicely animated. And voiced. Wonder who the VA is?


Annmariesch76 responds:

The link to the one of the Kathy/VA's in the description. from there DJ's you can also find DJ's channel

What a crazy trip. XD Seems to go well with the music, though I do wonder if there's some deeper message here I'm not catching: just something more than a random medley of creative intentionally crappy-looking stop motion animation? Twas interesting to watch, but I keep looking for a purpose in stuff like this. Hope there is one.


FoxyHazarDar responds:

theres no deep message, its all random! lol

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