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That Transport-o-matic reminds me of the secret phonebooth in Serious Sam, hmm. Seems I'm getting more lost for every episode of this I watch, wonder if I am forgetting fast or if is there is just so much I missed in the first 40-ish episodes, heh, probably the latter. This was a great though, animationwise, soundwise, contentwise. I am looking forward to the next one! One question, do you re-use lip-sync/walking/etc animations between episodes? Keep it going!


MistyE responds:

That's most likely an issue on my end. I'll do my best to make the next episode more understandable. I'm glad you enjoyed i! Yes, the lip-sync and walking was re-used from the previous episodes, I'm trying to do actual lip syncing now though. Thanks for the review!

A stick... adventure?! :O This was a bit different from the traditional fights. Love the mixture of comedy and action, and combined with regular stick figures. It's like.. well it's strange seeing them act out a story without running all over the place fighting each other. The close-ups, where they turn to real characters, is just awesome. Not sure if this is a recorring thing, but I need to go back and watch the previous episodes now. This was a lot of fun. The only thing that could directly be improved are the dialog boxes, they look a bit square... would also be nice with voice acting for all the characters, but either way, this was fun to watch. Keep it going!


guitan11 responds:

this entire series is different from traditional stick fights XD

How about submitting the real thing next Pico Day? This worked well as a standalone animation though, it brings up some good points and puns concerning NG future amidst the depression-wallowing and drinking. Pico's voice is a bit slurry at times, but apart from that this is great, looking forward to the real thing!


artistunknown responds:

Thank you so much! It shouldn't take too long to finish the whole thing, so I was planning on submitting it when I finished it, but I guess I could hold it off until next Pico Day if it would be better :D

Aw man, you ended it just when it was starting to get good! :D Nice to see all them characters working as a team for once, the animation has a comfortable pace even with the zombies are running rampant. What's the music btw? Nice work!


TheLazerSofa responds:

thank you, i know it's shot, i would make it longer but then again, it wouldn't be done in time if it was.
also here is the music he made for me


I guess when Tom says you should submit it, you have no choice! XD I pride myself in giving such great advice first though, hehe. This is actually a lotta fun, though the graphics do leave a bit to be desired. Happy Pico Day!


Gibb50 responds:

He'd have banned me if I didn't! D:

Ah well, it's just a game so Luigi will obviously revive again, right?? O_o The part where mario is building the ice ramp, and there's no sound, feels a bit odd, as does the part with the boat when only the front part rises whn Luigi gets it going, but apart from that it's all great. Good animation, good pun. Keep it going!


DeuxLab responds:

The whole audio was not supposed to be cut off or even parts of it. We're trying to fix this :( . But Thanks for your comment, glad you liked it!! :)

Looks like this is all custom-sprite work? If so, that's pretty amazing. Great graphics, great animation, and plenty of love and storyline interweaved with the action. I like the fast pace the animation keeps too, it never slows down too much, not even the part of hearts. It's a creative and crazy adventure. Now imagine this as a real game, that would be amazing. keep it going!


StudioJOHO responds:

Yeah all custom sprites. The boss character is more cutout approach with layers etc but yeah, was a shitload of work gone into it for sure . Thanks for your comment

That sprite adaption of Zone-tan is just perfect, you even managed to capture those glistening eyes. As with the regular Zone News episodes there's plenty of comedy in this, with the retro style of dialog (no voice) it's just... funnier than the original? Nah, I'm probably just getting some kind of nostalgicly innovative vibes from this. Great work though, something this elaborate for April seems like a treat. Looking forward to next year!


Pienkaito responds:

My, thank you.
I don't know what I should do next year, but I have time.

Thanks for the review.

Hah, so random, and the goat was fun. :D Best part of this is probably the close-up of the hair and the wild fight that ensues. Great expressions, fluid animation and plenty of randomness. Nice work!


YULFO83 responds:

Thanks so much dude! Really means a lot to me.

Bamboo Shoots!

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