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The idea is just genius, but it feels like there's more potential for this. It ends at the right place, but it's gotta be missing something when I don't really get to laughing, sound effects maybe? Everybody looking at the guy who phrased the final words? I don't know, but it feels like the joke's wasted when nobody within the animation understands it. keep working on it!


dogsinthecathouse responds:

Thanks for the feedback! Yeah, I don't know, I kind of have a possible idea for it where I have some other scenes following this scene, so maybe it will work better like that. But maybe some of your ideas would be fun to experiment with too. I'll have to try a couple different things out and see what works. Glad you liked it though! :)

Pure logic. Reading definately requires quite the mental energy and effort, hah. Unexpected end though, just a... moral message rather than an animated finale. Nice work on doing all those voices yourself btw, the characters do sound diferent, keep it going!


Yusuf responds:

Actually, it was voiced by SnakeYukin, but he hasn't accepted the project invite yet.

Hey, another episode! I wasn't expecting another one this soon, maybe there are even more stashed away, just waiting to be submitted? Great animation, great sound (and as always it's great how nothing actually needs to said for you to understand what's going on)... yeah, great everything. Keep it going!


Toonbox responds:

Yes, you are right. We have finished 9 episodes already. We will publish all of them. They all made with flash, and this site is the best place to submit our films )))

With Tankment any Christmas gets brutal. Nice voice acting, nice animation and nice work on twisting up the plot. It fights right in with the rest of the series. Merry Belated Christmas!


Horsenwelles responds:

jesus you are so many years belated

Nice. The style of animation is pretty similar to the original, especially the closeups. The tank logo used as a tank is a grainy though, and the backgrounds not always so refined, but overall it's an entertaining short. And Cosby? Well that was random. :D Keep it going!


fadedshadow responds:

yeah dude, it's not really THAT great but i animated this like 7 years ago lol

Refreshingly harmonious randomness, even with that berserk little space critter there was barely any violence at all... even though the plot was bizarrely grim and drudgeful. I'm wondering, do you do lip sync first and then rotate the character as he speaks, drifting through space, or is everything actually drawn upside down? Nice animation, nice plot, nice voicing, keep it going!


Brewster responds:

Thanks! Figuring out how to do the rotating lip sync was kind of a challenge. I had to make it so that the movement of the actual character was in a symbol which I later tweened to rotate. Then I had to do the lip sync so I brought a duplicate of the character animation symbol (which was stationary) onto the stage and animated the mouths that way. Then I just copied and pasted the frames into the symbol so when I went back to the rotating one the mouths were rotating with it. It seems like the obvious route, and there was probably an easier way to do it, but for some reason that took me a while to figure out.

Well that was unexpected! I should probably have been more prepared from the title, but it was still a bizarre surprise. It's nice how the rest of the movie is in black and white, so that final scene is such a big contrast with the flowing red, the blood and grime and grittiness. Overally the animation is fluent in good ol Disney style, and the music fits the age-appearance. Nice work!


Comick responds:

Thanks a lot for the well written review! Glad you enjoyed the short and haha yeah Skitzo does sometimes take people by surprise! Hopefully you like more of whats to come....

Your English isn't bad at all, but that accent is a bit hard to understand at times. Nice iniative though making an animated introduction video. It's simple and easy to follow, even though it's rather bland and generically informative. Makes me think of those airline videos you watch with instructions on safety before take-off. Hope this isn't the only infomercial you'll be submitting though, would be fun to see more creative work apart from regular gaming videos, those are just... everywhere!! Keep it going. :)


Hamnisu responds:

Thank you for your feedback regarding my English - highly appreciated! I'm working on getting better; so hopefully it won't be as hard to understand me in the future :)
I really appreciate your input on the animation; I was actually aiming to get it somewhat similar to the take-off videos ^^

I've been working with Flash in almost 8 months now, and I'm having loads of fun. I will keep on working and try to post more animations soon. Thank you so much for your kind words, cd!

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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