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A grand character design from one of my favorite animes ever! He looked like a blank slate for a long time before that menacing tone started shaping up, interesting to see that expression evolve.


SteveFeane responds:

It was a challenge getting that, coldness in his stare. The balance of keeping a certain level of intensity without being too overly dramatic was definitely tough, and I'm super happy you took notice. Thanks for watching!

Just the memory of food poisoning sends shivers down my... stomach. :P Pretty good sketch though. If I ever do go to that place I'll be sure to not get what you got and hopefully not get what you got! Kiara should have an account here btw, for proper credit. Animation's simple but good! Entertaining story, though could probably pack in a few more puns/comedy.


AustinJayCook responds:

Thanks very much dude and yeah she told me to just put in narrowmation into the creditors area but i dont know if it showed up or not :/

Well that went crazy fast. XD Bizarre, brutal, but still it's a bit like... poetic justice! Digging the oldskool style of animation too.


studiodenny responds:

Thanks for the stars! Ya it was lots of work but fun overall. My next toon will be an improvement in overall style and gonna try to get more movement in the characters too

Thought for sure that somewhere along the way a bird would swoop down and eat 'im, but it turned into a pretty harmless convo between these joyously wormy little critters instead! Fun little short. Really random. I like the oldskool cartoon style too. And at the end... he wriggles out of the earth instead of back into it? Weird worms. :P


studiodenny responds:

hey, thanks for the review and compliments. ya i did this like 5 or so months ago, before i did my little bastards cartoon. It was all just meant as a test to learn animation, so i picked something simple to and rolled with it. i learned a bunch too which was the goal

Hmm no sound? Apart from missing sound it's a sweet short. Still pretty short, though, you know. :) Even if the plot isn't long, you could add in more frames/smoothen animation for anticipation!


theXDZinho responds:

Okay. Thx

Well that was unexpected XD Is that what usually happens in the Madness universe when a female steps into the wrong bathroom hmm? Dangerous place! Also btw strange there hasn't been any play on genders in Madness before, least not that I've seen. Nice idea. And apart from that lag: nicely done.


Aiga responds:

Thank you for the kind words. Unfortunately, the sprites were not made by me so someone had already thought of female characters. But I haven't seen any MC movie featuring them.

It's a lot like the other one. Really short. Sound effects are good, animation's a bit choppy, but really the lack of the length is the big downside. It's just not long enough to portray a captivating fight. Good start, but keep going!


theXDZinho responds:

is what I'm no idea to do liveliest then I do short so even more if you have idea tell me what I do surely <3

What's a little gray skin as sacrifice once you gain those great superpowers and change the world, ingraining your name in stainless granite for all future to come! And that final solo = awesome. Great stuff as always.


Sexual-Lobster responds:


Guess I'd better go research Pepe Trump huh, feels like my meme knowledge is out of whack. Good stuff though! Funky. Frogs. Classy dancing.


ConeZone responds:

Don't worry you'll get caught up real fast :D

Pretty entertaining Game Grumps animation in a pretty unique style! Nice work.


Platanoz responds:

Thank you :)

Bamboo Shoots!

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