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The Canon ending on the first try! :D I liked this game, apart from the impressively professional graphics (especially the interfaces and text), it feels like a fresh start to the whole Chaos universe... but I guess it's all connected? The golden rocket medals, are they a thing of the past now, or just not in this series? It does make you focus more on the game when there are no hidden background elements you're looking to click. The story all seems very familiar, but presented in a more dramatic way than earlier, and the music matches the mood nicely. Looking forward to Chapter 2!


JackAstral responds:

Thanks! Yeah I decided to ditch the Golden Astronaut thingies, for now at least :B

A nice twist to the typical games. Not as random and crazy, but clever and entertaining. Nicely done.


Another fun cloud-based wargame! Not much new, apart from the levels, but it was an entertaining re-visit with the same soothing music. Not bad.


A simple but functional clocker game! Actually having a picture of a mouse seems so obvious I'm surprised I've never seen it before, good idea. :) To keep clicking though, I feel like there needs to be more incentive. Highscores, or medals maybe? Keep it going.


Mmm I thought Hardcore would be a bonus, but having that uinlock on level 9 was a pretty harsh twist, especially with that kind of final level! I was hoping it'd be the other way, that after going through all nine levels again the final one would be basically no level at all, just open space - as easy a piece of cake as the main menu. When you get that far, and go through each level twice, it's pretty aggravating to realize you won't be making it to the end of the game after all. I love the game design, idea, level variation and everything, but I feel cheated. Hardcore mode seemed challenging enough as it was. Doesn't take that long to go through all levels so if it was a challenging final level that'd be fine, but going through all levels twice, for that? IMO the ideal would've been hardcore mode unlocking specifically for the final level, and the final level being a bit less impossible to beat. With balanced difficulty, I'd have loved this game. Everything else is perfect. Ambient music, good control, smooth graphics, a ton of fun to play until the ending.


gurigraphics responds:

Truth. To date are 1,000 plays and only Draukagrissa3 won the challenge Hard Mode.
Then I add a new version.

I think I'd like the idea of a quadrocopter game more if it was more like the calssic Copter games than that Flappy bird-type jumping control. Combined with both large obstacles, and a large copter, it makes for some difficult hit areas too, just feels way too easy to collide with things and start over. Also a bit blank background, with more than just stylized obstacles, it feels like it could use a background too. Function-wise, it works well though. Keep it going; looking forward to the Copter-like mode!


A spooky tale! Nice ending; unexpected considering people don't usually fare such ill fates in this series... well, maybe they do in Vortex Point, looking back at certain prequels... overall nicely done; well-drawn as always!


When Max was about to open the door, that door-handle-turning looked a lot like a door-handle-shrinking. XD Looks like I might've missed an episode or two before this hmm... things are really starting to get intense! Enjoying the new variety of mini-games, like the look-around-the-room one, and looking forward to the continuation. Another good ep.


Looks like that inner child's still around there somewhere, was fun a while! :) I don't see the medals though..? Nice game.


Bamboo Shoots!

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