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Simple, fun, and authentic-looking. Not bad!


This WAS fun, despite a bit simple graphics! :D A lot of variation in the levels too, just wish there was some reward if you actually complete the levels as they should be completed. Highscores, or such. Nice game.


Resolution's getting a bit big man - shouldn't have to scroll sideways to view the fullgame! Drastic graphical improvements though. Shame bout the lack of medals.


Thought at first it might be a joke about how USA seems to think they own Mexico, and a lot of the questions seemed to follow suite, but some made no sense at all. In the end, ah, it all falls into place! Though basically any of the answers could be right for most questions since basically everyone could be an American - no matter their nationality, everyone's an immigrant in one form or another - except the natives, of course. Took a few attempts to figure out, and still feels a bit random - like there's no 'definite answer' for each question even if you know what the meaning behind it is, but the message: pretty clever! As always a fun game too, and glad you didn't have that '100% correct' medal on this one. ;)


Munguia responds:

I just hear the song "This is America" really cool but the name is not correct, the name should be "This is USA", you know in Costa Rica we donĀ“t have terrorism or school kids with guns for masive attacks, in guatemala we have Volcano firing but not police killing black people, in cuba we have short of internet but no massive attack weapon market. America is a big continent not just a country with so much money and problems like Gambino says

lol, violent; crazy stuff like this is what NG was made for! XD Animations could start a bit sooner when you press something, but otherwise not bad. Could be pretty cool having everything play when you click, instead of hold, but I guess the events all rely on certain characters included so that wouldn't really work. Fun little game tho; thanks for teh medals.


Pretty basic, but not bad! For most people it feels like an AI would be a requirement though.


A slick and clasy classic-like Pong game! Upgrades are a nice addition too, though it feels weird they only affect you even if the opponent hits them. Feels like they should apply to the one who gets them, not to where they are. Overall though, a fun game. Basic, but easy to replace.


demiank responds:

I had that exact same thought somewhere in the development process. I just lost it somewhere :)

EDIT: just got a PM from Cyberdevil: he made a typo => replace -> replay.
Thx for that!

The demon was a nice secret, though I don't think you needed the hint on the 'knife' page, there's only so many places you can click! Also, maybe 'play again?' would be better than 'replay', since this seems to imply you'll be playing the current sequence again? It's a fun little game, though longer sequences and more weapons would add a lot to it. Also if possible: comedy, or absurd violence, like someone about to shoot a target running towards him, and the target slips on a banana peel - evading the bullet, and kicking him over a cliff in the process. Just something to make it 'more' than just a killing game. Could be good entertainment too! Nice work adding medals too btw, much appreciated.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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