
4,838 Game Reviews

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A stylish story with simple control and beautiful music! Though had hoped the balance act would be the main thing - having the wheels dig into the ground and spin out of control when you try to pedal over hills was a bit aggravating. Maybe some trick I'm not figuring out there, but otherwise it's nice, and I do love happy endings.


So I found the medals but hmm not sure where I got the one for visiting you on NG! If it was the 'follow me on NG' link on the shutdown frame, that one doesn't seem to work. Overall bit rushed Win XP parody, without any real parody, just a lot of random error messages without puns - but just random errors. Feels lik you could've put more jokes into it, wordplay, maybe some actual gadget or game, and a bit higher resolution so it's not all so pixelated? It's alright, but feels really rushed.


StaticSkull responds:

I'll try harder next time :)

I read the title as '3KB'. Was thinking that woah, stuffing so much content into that small a size is pretty impressive! XD I guess it's a bit larger than that, though? Even without music. It's a smooth game, easy to play, good-looking, and not bad AI either.


Artur-Felipe responds:

Thank you for the tips.

That final level took quite a few tries, but I made it! :D Overall a really fun and stream-lined jump-around game, with plenty of variation in the obstacles and enemies, and appreciated character variation along with the stars. It's easy to play, and easy to replay and move through levels, and easy to enjoy. Overall a good dose of harmless fun for all ages. Nice game.


A fun and educational game! Not even the English part was easy all the way, with some pretty odd breeds of animals (that Quetzal pops up a lot). And even more educational: the Spanish version. Been a long time since I practiced those! Felt both nostalgic and like a useful little knowledge refreshener. :) Good game.


Well that was fun. XD Simple, crazy, not bad - though something like highscores would be good for a game like this. Could probably professionalize the title screen too!


Finally found that easter egg! :) Not so easy with so wide a screen... but anyway, fun little skit. Like an interactive movie. And good title choice too - doesn't promise too much.


A bottle shooter with a twist! :D Both addicting and educational - for those of us not all too familiar with these types of brands. Bit thin cross where you're aiming, but apart from that it plays smoothly! Graphics simple but authentic. Good fun.


Drawing a circle is a looot harder than I expected it to be! Not sure if it's because of the delay (while you draw) or if circles is always this hard... but the smoothing function works well at least. Good fun, though surprisingly challenging!


Seems like the servers aren't responding. :/ Broken connection? Game idea seems pretty promising though. Simple fun. No frills.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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