This was a fun game, a simple concept, easy controls and addictive gameplay. The medals add a lot of replayability to it as well. One thing that was a bit annoying is how the acors that pop up are all random occurrences, and that they disappear as easily as they appear. Venturing across the lifts to collect them isn't always a rewarding process when they disappear before you reach them, or when new ones pop up on other locations. Unless there are superacorns, there's really no purpose in navigating the lifts at all. In such cases it'd be better to just stay by the mushroom and jump to get all acorns that pop up nearby. I'd think it would be much more rewarding if the acorns stayed until you reached them. There could be fewer of them at the same time, and you'd have to get one for a new one to appear, then it would be more about skill than luck. But apart from that, good game1