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I'd say there are more than just those three! XD This could use a few more spin-off's... so unexpected, but also so consistent, and insightful. It really follows through on that one random little thing. Well-paced and entertainingly animated too.

I wouldn't say you've ever really animated like a normal person y'know. ;) This is some abnormal goodness. Feels like there's a message to it too. And yet it doesn't go out of the way to convey it. It entertains, all the while planting that little seed of insight...


AlantheBOX responds:

I meant I wanted to see if I still even know how to animate frame by frame.

Heartfelt. Started out so random, and keeps going that way, but when the music starts... those lyrics really hit home. Wonder how it would've been with a bit less autotune and all that, but as it is... you really build up an atmosphere. The intro's probably a part of it, but the music really takes it to a whole new place.

Also the animator's like a God hmm. :) Always cool with fourth-wall elements. Good stuff. Will there be more of these?


BeoWeapon responds:

Oh boy! I’m sorry I’m pretty excited to hear some of these criticisms Its actually my first time uploading something here hahaha. Btw Thank you for appreciation for this project. I do the music (composing and production) and the animation too and my friend Rica voiced cresent and do the background, I guess I’m pretty guilty to the autotune thing hahahah but some parts of it dont have the effect but anyways I’m glad you understood the story and the music. Also, yes we’re going to do more of this.

ricadelacruz responds:

Wow! no words can express our gratitude for your appreciation on our project. Please expect that we'll do more of this. Btw if you want more of beo's original music compositions,here's the link of his yt channel, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLCCZFW7Xfwdq6o1930tB1g
Thanks again bro!

It's a good thing there was a window there!

This takes the whole stickfigure challenge thing to a whole new level. Good fun. And imaginative ones too. Even with the titles you don't really know exactly how they'll play out.

Smooth animation,ambient music... was just waiting for the cliff break though. XD Good fun.


mmmeggtart responds:

Thank you for the nice comments! This was a lot of fun to make.

Feels a bit out of context, but not a bad fight.


Captain-Freeman responds:

It's part of a much larger undertaking

Another collab that seems to be headed for great things! Pretty smooth work.


AliHaleem responds:

Thanks Man !😍

Cute. :) And I did not know that!


CameronBlake responds:

Thank you!

That haircut bit. XD You missed some iconic moments bad, but you did get the one most memorable take out one so... I guess it's all good. This brings back memories.


Koray98 responds:

Thank ou ;)

Pretty smooth showreel! Fun to watch.


Mexican64 responds:

Thanks ^^

Very well-animated! Smooth, atmospheric, great detail in the background too. Pleasure to watch even if the context is all a bit... out of context.


9Hammer responds:

Glad to hear Cyberdevil, and I'm glad you enjoyed it! Sorry for the late response, by the way.

Bamboo Shoots!

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