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This was a real cool battle, though what's with all the darkness towards the end, over a full minute of pure black? Is that intentional? Battle animation was slick, but could be even more fluent, maybe with different angles and close-ups, of faces for example? Sound effects and speech were the real strengths here. Nice work!


SilentChimaru responds:

I messed up the ending,sorry about that.Yeah I noticed after the animation was done that I had the same angles over and over again.Thank's for the feedback!

Looks like a Goomba version of the grim reaper! Creepy; atmospheric, and... with a meaning? Pretty nice idea making an animation based off an artwork. Nice work!


grimharbor responds:

Thanks cyberdevil!

Hah, the truthful workings of the Pokemon world! :D Was fun to see the modern interface used for once btw, I think most of the parodies (if not all) I've watched earlier used the Gold/Silver generation interface, or earlier. Voices were a bit low overall, but voicing otherwise great, as was the intensity of that battle. Nice work!


ieJoMaFLo responds:

Thanks! I was thinking about using the original but it seemed kind of dull and colorless compared to this one. And yea, I really got to work on the audio end of things for next time because this one has been a real pain.

I like animations like this that follow a form of logic in their loop. The sketchy animation's pretty fly and atmospheric, it's short, simple; eternal! With a deeper symbolism if you'd like it to have one. Nice work.


ClockworkPixel responds:

Thank youvery much

Hah, it's a dogs life! This was nicely done, feelgood and expressive, with a little Scooby Doo episode smack in the middle. Somehow didn't feel like the song reallt 'matched' the animation, in terms of what was going on, though it had the right atmosphere. Cute, entertaining; with a twist at the end. Nice work!


Cameron-Ohara responds:

Thank you for the detailed feedback! Haha, glad someone appreciated the Scooby-Doo~ :)

For a first animation this is all but iffy! Wouldn't have thought it was if you didn't mention it. I like the lineless style of art on the scenery, with the characters the man focus, and plenty of detail in the surroundings. That bird was a simple element of fun, and after that it's mostly atmospheric and somewhat plotless until... wait, there's no end! Feels like there could've been a more optimal place to split this, if the continuation is coming up next, that scene with the fort at night, wouldn't that be better at the start of an episode than the end of it? After the bars close a 'to be continued' would've fit nicely, even though if feels the characters haven't been introduced so much yet that we really know what's going on or have any reason to contemplate their fates in wait for the next, hoping it'll pick up plot soon! The visual/audial part of it's great though.


Extellus responds:

You're right. :) I'm going to make the next episode a bit longer with more introduction to the world they live in and their personalities as well. :)

Woo, what a creative mixture of spinning heads! I was surprised to see no breakdance parody though, no heads spinning upside down. O_o Anyway, lots of creativity mixed into the crafting of these simple loops! I seem to recall some awesome NATA collab from a past year, but not the one linked to... looking forward to whatever comes next though! Nice work!


Pahgawk responds:

Was it the sarcastic walk collab you were thinking of? it was in the same format as this one. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/619400

With that final kick he almost looks headless! :D Nice work though, mixing gameplay footage with regular animation was a pretty neat idea. Maybe it'll become the next big thing...


2Pstudios responds:

Who knows... maybe will be... thanks for the compliments!! (:

Heey is that... Parasite Eve 2 music as he enters that final chamber? I spent a ton of time playing Worms World Party myself, introduced through school, and continued for years after that, originally with only the built-in levels and custom designs, but eventually with tons of mods and custom levels. Feels like they destroyed the franchise a bit when they opted for 3D, but alas, the old legendaries live on! Happy 15th anniversary!

This is like Madness with worms btw, awesome mesh of action and everything. Nice work!


squeakytoad responds:

Thanks! Yeah they lost their character when they went 3D... Happy to see they're porting 2D versions for iPad and mobile. There was really no way to improve on that original gameplay.
And the track in that scene is "Beyond the Wasteland" from FFVII.

Bamboo Shoots!

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