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If someone other than Krinkels had made Madness maybe. :P Otherwise I imagine it'd have been even more complex than the original! Animation techniques keep evolving too - the new ones are crazy advanced compared to the original.

Appreciate the comedy though! Definitely a Madness in next gen style. It's eh... entertaining in a special kind of way!!!


Might've just sensed the fear. :) Animal instincts and all, though then again some cats just are crazy, didn't know animals could have epilepsy too, wonder if all species can...

What a story. Good to hear the ear's still there.


You've certainly been through some wild times and neighbourhoods in your day! XD This was a long one too... appreciate the story. It started so well too, fun times for starters...


90s shows definitely were the shit! :D In multiple ways... don't think I ever caught a glimpse of this one though, might've been worth it...

That dog scene's bound to stick with me too now.


A little sound would add a lot to this, but this was great, really smooth frame by frame. :) Apparently people spoke of some plot twist of the series with contempt a while ago, it can't have been this though can it, the new gear's just awesome...

Fun to see fanimated too!


Animation's pretty short and simple, but the concept man! XD Killer Pillar... apparently it's also a part of Yosemite Park, but you woulda thought somebody tried something like this in animation before! Props on being first here.

Reminds me a little of Flappy Bird too. though totally different.


Reminds me of the days of early stopmotion. :) Though 3D now... probably a looot quicker to make this, simple model too, but it's a fun little thing, the lightning's nice.

That cube really looks like it has a life of it's own too humm, surprisingly life-like! Could probably have a real sketch of some sort with just shapes. That'd be new.


This is bananas.


Reminding me of the good ol' classic Marshmellow Madness from the start with this one, and then you actually add in one too! :D This was fun. Homeage to the heydays of great craze, when these were simple, and not so serious, just straight carnage with a little itty bitty batch of comedy, though maybe more so randomness, which seems to work just as well...

The motions could be a bit more fluent maybe, they more slide than 'walk', or bob, as Madness characters usually do, they fall down in a very static way too, impact or gravity have little effect after initial weapon impact, but overall it looks and plays great! I love the idea.

Maybe the simpler/slightly sped up motions are an ode to the old days too.

Nice work.


Ominous! The animation's solid, the lighting, the mood, very smooth motions... it's kinda short though innit! Would love to see a full story arc with visuals like this...


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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