The mind's the most powerful drug ain't it! XD
Fun stuff.
The mind's the most powerful drug ain't it! XD
Fun stuff.
Wonder what the original video looks like now. XD Do you happen to have a link, did this actually happen, or was it more so inspired by the picture here?
The animation's smooth! Good fun.
I just now linked the video in the description! Apparantly gifs won't function :P
Glad to see WheelieYellow still going, and rushing those roads with a seemingly increasing intensity no less! :D Always an interesting blend of soothing and wild with these, with words for the wise along with the sights and the ride...
Merry Christmas!
How has nobody done this before! XD That I know of, at least...
The idea's genius, the execution perfect, the title - and even more so the description - should have clued me in early, and still I wasn't prepared at all... Franky's Arnold impression at the end's a fun extra too. This was fantastic.
Solid work with everything here. Animation's on point also.
This brings me back! :D I remember the bosses dudettes/dudes and dungeons and atmospheric tunes in abundance, but can't say I remember the full story anymore... catching glimpses thereof here more than a red thread, the random factor's sometimes almost a bit too excessive, but good fun! And an honorable homage. And 20 years already dang... gotta play again soon.
Thanks for making this too! For the memories and view.
thanks cyberdevil!! hope you've been doing well lately 💪
Don't think I've heard the term Press Junket before hmm, learning new creative business terminology here!
Actually involving the characters of the franchise in a promo like this just makes it even better too. Like they're actors actually playing their own roles in a movie. It's like it amplifies the realness of their world; the legitimacy of their very existence! The layers.
Even the ads feels wholesome and fun. Nice work.
Short and sweet, with an unexpected end. :)
The double t-shirt was an entertaining extra layer too.
Good fun!
These always end up in the most chaotic way possible, yet in a strangely co-ordinated way, though the ending's not quite as feelgood on this one as it often seems to be. Well maybe feelgood's not the right word but... wholesome. With closure. With hope for the future.
If only he'd accepted the meal here without caveats! Pants or no pants. The Golden curry chicken healing all wounds seems the best possible outcome, but life ain't quite like that huh. Sometimes there's heartbreak, sometimes a lack of desirable attire for midnight meals...
Great episode though. And a long one, could it be the longest one yet...
Wonder if you might've been reminded of this thing by the recent horror movie that came out with the same name... haven't seen it yet, but I remember the bug fondly. I was 10 at the time myself. Actually I don't remember a single thing about it, just that times were exciting, and it was a pretty cool thing to leap into a whole new millennium looking back...
Good fun here. If anyone's actually interested in learning more about this shizzle the Time Bomb Y2K documentary was pretty good. Hella nostalgic too, if you actually grew up in this era...
Happy New Year Brewstew!
The collab(s) that keep on giving! :)
This was great. Style just like the original Charlie Brown too.
Thanks! Really wanted to stay close to the original while I was working on this
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04