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Well what a mess that turned out to be! Completely unexpected and totally pointlessly violent but masterfully manufactured all the same. Brutal entertainment.


Aw man, it's one of those sad stories huh. For a moment I thought it'd be a refreshing bout of animat-style action (always great hearing a ParagonX9 track too!), and indeed there was a bit of that, but then there's that inevitable but still so pointlessly needless final sacrifice. And the irony of it all, that in the end all he's putting on her face are tears. Nice work though.


An ominous noire, classy classic style, with a few twists along the bridge towards greater riches and cat dishes, masterfully animated and voiced. I'm thinking a deep, serious style voice would've made the contrast between character and setting all the more comical though, but overall it's got it all. Great work!


That 'play' button on the title screen seems so incredibly small compared to all surrounding buttons! As for the animation though, I remember the bar scene from last year, but man I had no idea it'd been a year since then already... time flies! The mood's brighter in this one, the shooting scene was slick, the voicing good... not much happens overall though. They walk down the street (in this scene I was expecting some music though - or background noise - had to turn up the volume to see if I was missing something those first few seconds), shoot some stuff (lmao Darnell... wonder if Nene will make an appearance in the final part?) and plan to leave. It's not short, or boring but still somehow eventless in terms of plot progression. Looking forward to next year; Happy Pico Day!

artistunknown responds:

Oh dammit, I always mean to make the play button the biggest button... or at least of equal size. At least I no longer use a youtube button :p

I was really considering whether to upload this scene, 'cause like you said, nothing happens plot-wise really. The third scene is kinda like that too but serves as comic relief for all the serious stuff that's brought up through the film, and then the 4th and final scene is the big one where everything happens.

And yeah, I remember you saying you were looking forward to seeing the full thing this Pico Day, but that didn't happen :p I do have the first 3 scenes done, with a bunch of changes and improvements done to the first scene as well. I also have a few seconds done of the 4th scene, but it's like 8 minutes long so it still got a bit of work to do. Next Pico Day maybe ;3

About background music in the beginning, I was going to try to find some, or at least some city ambiance, but then I decided "Eh, the next part is mostly music so why bother" plus the Pico Day deadline was coming up fast so I didn't have time to find some good music to use.

And I hadn't really thought about a Nene cameo. While animating the part with Darnell shooting himself I thought "People are going to find this racist... huh ya know, it would make more sense to Have Nene killing herself since she's Asian... wait that's probably more racist" In the end I didnt' care 'cause I already had a bunch of it animated. I do have an idea for where she can appear now though ;3

Thanks for the review and Happy Pico Day!

Woot, a new series sees the light of day! Wonder is taking over after Deadly Space Action? Seems equally random and entertaining, with a more earthly setting but a somewhat similar cast of characters even if they look and act a bit differently... similarities might be due to the voices. So far so great, and it was a long episode too - looking forward to the next one!

Looks like the barman's the one in trouble! :D This was awesome crafted, really smooth and detailed claymation (just the fact that it's claymation is awesome) and the language wasn't a barrier either, it's easy to understand what's going on even if you don't understand the words. Great work!


Woo, what a collection of awesomness! My ample animation seems considerably rushed compared to the surprisingly carefully composed creations otherwise contained herein (though so few! this should've spanned at least a dozen). Whirlguy's macabre glimpse of massacre nostalgia with a Dad N' Me guest appearance was a definite favorite, despite the sudden end. What happens next? A rampage as we all remember? Dutiful death? Anyway, as always an honor being a part of this; it turned out great! Logo, credits, simple interface, all sleek and functionable.


Short but awesome! Wonder if there's any tribute to the original Strawberry B here? Plenty of fancy transitions and creative display, just wish it was longer. Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

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