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Well the animation was slick, the voicing completely random.... at the start. It evolves into a rather entertaining sketch though. Nice work!


allcreator responds:

Evolves? lol, I see what you did there ;D

Haha, so random. With such a meeting of supercharacters I was expecting a showdown like no other, a battle of epic proportions, an office adventure of which the likes had never before been seen! But it was fun, nice pun, and as always incredibly fluid animation. Keep it going!


Sexual-Lobster responds:


Poor Skeleboneman man. :/ It was a fun watch though, and I like the changed style of animation, seems like the perfect fit for Halloween too. Wonder if those are animated hand-drawn character cut-outs or if it's all digital? Keep it going!


Brewster responds:

Thanks! Everything but the mouths were hand drawn on paper. The mouths and the animation were done in flash.

Imagine if you could using actionscript randomize the color of that main character so that each time the animation loops it appears like it's actually a different person ready to consume those noodles. :) This was an awesome animation, quick, fluid and just geniusly done. Not very spooky but it is pretty Halloween-befitting. Keep up the great work!


Butzbo responds:

Heh, that's a cool idea, it's also one thing that would certainly make a great reason to keep sticking to flash instead of regular video for more unexpected animations.
Heh, I had it finished around Halloween, but I guess It could've been a bit spookier to fit the theme, hahah.

After taking a few moments to appreciate that loop, I'm ready to leave a review on this viewable view, and it's going to be astute. There are no markable flaws, not even a ton, just a quick intro and a punchline pun. Keep it going!


WooleyWorld responds:

w00t w00t.
Thanks, CyberD.

Dark humor at its best! I was expecting the final scene as soon as the 'It's all in your mind' notes popped up... intentional clue? Though when he was locked up in a cell I thought that'd somehow be the end of it. Wonder if the imaginary friend is more than just a figment of imagination though... maybe an alien, or a ghost, or something... doesn't seem that imaginary after all. Great work!


MisterHerbal responds:

Thanks for your great feedback! This ''Imaginary'' friend is indeed a mystery, I questioned his nature myself while creating him if that helps. I like to let my characters have their own persona, and show me who they are rather than make them something I want. I do it unconsciously really. As for who the little purple bugger is, you're right, he might be anything of those but to our dear lost friend, it was his imaginary friend since he was born, wether it was an alien or a ghost. Thanks for the comment! :)

Really awesome work on the sound effects and voices! The animation itself shouldn't be that spooky with these slick animated game-type figures but it still manages to really bring out some Halloween atmosphere, the zombies at the dudes heels, the deep breathng.. it's pretty tense! Great work!


ChomPet responds:

We're glad you liked it! Watch more of our original animations on www.StreamEngine.tv! :)

Haha, great expressions... simple, short, fun to watch! The animation's really smooth too. The ending gets an added dimension if you speak Swedish btw, since fan is a word used to convey anger towards something. Had to check your profile to see if that was just coincidence or not. :P Nice work!


Aqlex responds:

Thank you! I was aiming for simple, smooth, and fun. And I do NOT speak Swedish (I got a bit of Czech though) so that's definitely an interesting coincidence. Maybe I just subconciously know what I'm doing! Anyway, thanks for the review! I hope to produce more!

Woo, funky! And when Diddy starts twerking, lmao... justice! Great idea, backgrounds, music, everything. Keep it going!


SenilChris responds:

Awesome thanks! =D

This is just genius... great animation and voice acting, and no filler, just the one daily idea. Recorded message at the end was an added bonus. I guess underdog and weekly's next huh? :P Keep it going!


WooleyWorld responds:

LOLOLOL WEEKLY. NG will explode before this gets weekly!

But thanks for the words, I appreciate it.

Bamboo Shoots!

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