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Seemed from the trailer like the humans were the important species, and the bees/wasps the threat, but looking at the game page it seems I got that all wrong! Trailer looks great, graphically, but doesn't really convey what it's all about IMO. Good luck with the game though, feels like a pretty innovative idea!


yoshistory responds:

Thank you, we are working on it hard:)

Hmm, that kinda spiraled out of control. :/ Plotwise not much is happening, it seemed like a good premise for something to happen, but it never really does. He goes over to the car, goes back, changes topic... feels like there's a lot of talking (a lot of repeating topics and phrases too) but very little getting somewhere, within and outside the speech. Graphics work with what's being said, but on their own they're not too amazing, feels like at least some color might liven things up a bit. Speech never stops, which is good, but it doesn't entertain as much as I hoped it would. Keep it going!


tonyfamous responds:

Thanks. :-) It did happen. I was a witness. It was me. I was there. :-) I pretty much talked the this off the top off my head, so it wasn't scripted or anything. I'm sort of an Animating Minimalist because I suck at Animating and I put almost no Animating effort into this because I didn't think anybody would watch it let alone seriously critique it. ;-)

Is that a... greenscreen behind them? O_o If that's a custom-made explosion, it's pretty good! Overall: this is pretty confusing. Keep it going!


Deadtuna responds:

Lol. I wish it was a custom-made explosion. I made about 5 different explosions and the files got corrupted cause my computer crashed.

Well that was strange... not sure what's going on, slow-mo music, parental censoring and sitting by computers... but it did entertain. Things to improve maybe: clarity? Unless it's supposed to be totally random. Keep it going!


flashmakeit responds:

That was very helpful.

lmao, I thought electricity didn't work on Earth-type though! :O


miodragvuk9 responds:

HAHA but bulbasaur is grass not ground

A masterful musical! :D Maybe not as long as the original, but it's all with good measure, and the animation's well-timed with the music. Can always count on clocks for a crazy Halloween!


MelloYelloClock responds:

Thank you good sire.

Looks like there's a war going on! Not sure what war that is, or who's fighting who, but so far: it lo9oks great. I love the attention to details in pretty much everything short of the furthest away background cityscape. Hope there'll be some story to this in future episodes!


falesam responds:

haha... this first episode is caos... just a test of animation on this stylle. I'm trying to make another episode if plot... :P. Sorry for the long response delay... I had not seen the comments! I am a noob. I really want to make a game in Ubiart our other engine plataform similar to this animation. All the best! Cheers

So this is how it ends! With an artfully masterful yet creatively confusing piece. I get suicidal vibes from that final scene, but I do hope there may be a more meaningful message behind it? Animation's great, and in that first scene... the clouded critters really looks like a Pokemon. Nice work; best of luck with all future ventures! With Gerkinman the character retired btw, what's going to happen to Gerkinman the user(name)?!


Gerkinman responds:

Hey man, glad you liked it! Theres all kinds of messages in this short, but what they mean to me and what they mean to you as an audience is always going to be different, and I think thats the way film should be.

The name will keep being used on here I suppose, unless Tom wants to change it to Visitors From Dreams, and I have a couple more LP's to put up on the Gerkinman youtube channel, but ill mainly be sticking to Visitors From Dreams from here on.

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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