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Hah, not what I expected, but it turned out entertaining! Though AAARGH at that red and blue color combo at the end, those colors just aren't meant to be together! Audio quality is pretty fuzzy too, when the music comes in that takes over and you can barely hear what's being said. Good idea, but could use some polishing!


ChristianAndJustice responds:

Glad you liked it!

What a surprise seeing ViariousE as sponsor! :O Wonder what it takes to gain such an honorable mention? As always: awesomely artistic and slightly disturbing content here. Looking forward to whatever memorable macabreness this creative coalition results in!


emily-youcis responds:

VicariousE became a sponsor of the Alfred Alfer Movie via the official Emily Youcis Patreon! And you can too! Not only do you have a chance to be a producer of the film, but you can receive sweet prizes as well! Check it out here: patreon.com/emilyyoucis

The trailer really builds up expectations, intense music for gritty artwork. Looks like something to look forward to!


Comick responds:

hahaha thanks! Yeah I'm bascially working into the late nights crashing at 2 and 3am doing pages and animating panels to make sure that this is the best issue I release online...I wanted to create something super special for my readers to enjoy that their support directly contributed to.

Feels like the 'is it smiling' part kinda ruined the atmosphere a bit. Also, when someone runs past the window, we assume there really was someone out there, but in the end it seems there wasn't... or if there was, that it wasn't relevant at all. Maybe you could've used a noise to give him an excuse to turn? Feels like a loose end otherwise, but overall I love the idea! Creepy stuff.


Mckodem responds:

Thank you the feedback. The shadow running past was someone running past (there's also something else that happens in the animation which show someone is in the place) and yeah it was mainly to throw off the viewer until the target could move, but I like the noise idea, or maybe something supernatural could have worked.

Agains thanks for the review.

Definately wouldn't have heard all the words if not for the added lyrics! Thanks. Been seeing a lot of Freddy's animations lately, but this here is definately the most intense one. Masterful mixture of music and animation, and the fact that it's all custom (or is it?) makes it all the more awesome. Nice work!


jaxxy responds:

Thank you! Yes, I do believe LT writes, sings, and mixes all his work. I'm not sure what the thing is that makes his voice all musical like that but I know it's not autotune.

And so all pieces fall in their place! Cept that ending... I was expecting a happy one, but when push comes to shove I accept the bad one, but then there's that spark of hope again aaand yet in the end all that's left behind is uncertainty! If there is a future or not. If there is reconsolidation and forgiveness. A second chance.

Story took a real turn in this one, from mostly disturbing to modylu tragic. The first-person view during the battle was interesting though albeit monotone with all the combo repetition. Overall though, it left an impact! Really enjoyed watching through this trilogy.


ClockworkPixel responds:

Thank you :) i was abit rushed with this part and a lot of elements got cut so it could hit the deadline im happy with it and still told the story i wanted too but i did think it was a bit sad once it was all made. I'd like to vist this again in future but with an actaul game (maybe one with sifferent endings so everyone is happy lol)

That guy really has to fight to get where he's aiming to go! Wasn't expecting that ending though, the transformation seemed like the ultimate sum of all that persistence but... long as he keeps going I'm sure he'll mnake a splash someday! :P Combination of music and that determined scowl is just awesome, could probably watch this a few times more... looking forward to those other ones!


naysu responds:

Thanks a lot man :D

Maaan what a badass dose of Gyradose! :D Nice work. I guess that overusage of tweens is in how all those moving body parts loop, but IMO it works well, adds a lot of life to the animation. Keep it going!


naysu responds:

thank you!! :D

Bamboo Shoots!

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