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Seems like this could be a prelude for something! At first the animation style/mood reminded me a bit of Afro Ninja. It moved more to noir as it went along, but the voice felt out of place - maybe too bold and badass for the flashbacks I'm used to in criminal drama. I like the gritty style and atmosphere, it tells a good story, but in the end... it's just started! What happens next?


Joenu responds:

Maybe it is a prelude. I've planned to make several animations taking place in this "world" - but with different protagonists.

Anoher really interesting stopmotion project! Don't think I've seen anything made with wiring and paperclips earlier. Again I like the play with light, the moody music in the background, the symbolic gestures... though I can't say the analogy you drew was clear to me before I read the description, guess it's hard conveying something specific with such abstract motives. :) Stopmotion felt a hit unnecesarily jumpy on some scenes, but overall it was great! Nice artistry.


larit responds:

It is my first experience in this sphere therefore in some moments dampness, thanks!

That description's almost too abstract! Watching the stopmotion, I was thinking it'd be a symbolism on birth, the struggle and sacrifice of bringing forth new life... didn't get that sense of destruction or bombing either, just a sense of hardship, and those self-igniting matches were a really cool effect, further expanded with claymation. Overall very smooth and moody animation, the music a large part of that atmosphere. Doesn't seem to deliver the message it's supposed to, but it was great! Always curious about how many photos work like this takes btw, any estimate? Keep up the great work!


larit responds:

I will consider your remarks and I will continue to work, thanks, and in general if I had more opportunities that I would realize this picture more clearly, but I will try to improvise.

Hah, if ever that happened in real life! XD I thought the fly'd endlessly attempt that attack on the window, one first long rush and then again, and again, faster and faster... glad it shattered my expectations and surprised! Really nice short.


SmokingFrog responds:

I'm glad you like it! Cool idea, by the way. If i manage to do a remake, I'll use it 😉

Bit hard to hear what the animator's saying with hat morphed voice of his, background sometimes don't fill the entire screen, line-works a bit sketchy/unevenly thick/etc and animation not always the smoothest, but it did entertain! Plenty oh humor in the script. Keep it going!


MicroMashons responds:

I just rewatched the cartoon! THis is not supposed to happen! Hold on. I'm going to fix it.

So eh, yeah... I think I'm missing the pun here? Felt like something fun could've happened after that transition but, they're there, that's it..? Btw, volume between the two characters could use some balancing, you barely hear the one guy at the end. Keep it going!


BillionthVirus responds:

That's their characters. Guice is quiet, calm and logical. Mikey is loud, obnoxious and acts on impulse. About the plot, it was something I improvised in audacity and decided to animate. If I ever make a sequel, I will put more thought into it.

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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