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That ending... I really wasn't expecting that at all! I did figure out the ditto part as soon as he wiped his face off, but with all that other action-packed craze featuring the one and only... that really was a twist! Masterfully animated and voiced, loved the battles in particular, the bizarre slaughter and such eh... might've been even better without! Then again, the abstraction seems to make it less of a parody, and more of an artwork. Not bad.


RetroSleep responds:

I too had my second thought's about the violence, but we kept it in during the fight scene to try and convey the thought that something wasn't right with Pikachu.

Thanks for the review as always cd. Your kind words warm our stony hearts.

The voicing's great, but the story, lmao, what a contrasting clarity in story-telling and lack of clarity in the actual story! Animation's pretty basic, but good enough for helping you visualize the imagery. Nice work!


Lightring responds:

Ha ha, thanks! I really had no direction with this, but I also didn't want to just wait around and do nothing! How you described the animation is all I wanted out of it!

What a trip! :D Crazy but fun.


Jae responds:

Thanks for the review!

lmao, good times, good times! Though the story doth continue even after the first Normal encounter... right? :P Would be awesome did this keep going all the way to the League! Potential for supremely entertaining trilogy of animations, maybe? This was great!


mattyburrito responds:

haha if enough people like it-- I do have an idea or two for another episode :)

lmao, do appreciate the change of scenery in this one! I still feel like I can't really get into the (leisurely, as you say) overall pace, but it's easier when it doesn't all take place in the same space, when things happen that make you want to hear what the different characters have to say. Got a bigger laugh from this than the previous episodes, so hopefully it'll keep going in this direction! ;) Nice work!


JellowStudios responds:

Ha! That damn pacing... Episode 4 does pick up the pace more (and changes scenery too!) but, again, thank you for the always appreciated feedback. We really do try incorporate the good suggestions.

I have been wondering about the process behind tattoos for a while. This was a good guide, with plenty of entertaining along with the infomercial. Voicing is good too, though it feels like the clarity isn't always the best; the volume not always very balanced. A little equalization might take it a step further! Nice work.


UZ-Cartoons responds:

Yeah, truth be told about the audio is that that half the time I was recording I was pretty drunk to get into character.

lmao, so random, so entertaining! XD Gets me wondering if the game is really anything like this hmm. Nice work!


JumpNJetz responds:

As always, thank you so much Cyberdevil C:
I always look forward to your reviews! :D

Bamboo Shoots!

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