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Heeey you forgot the badass outro. :P Catchy credit music, though!

As for the animation: the motions do feel a bit slow still, as if the gravity is lighter than normal. For example, when the blue figure gets up after the yoyo explodes, he looks a bit like an astronaut shifting positions in space, not a grounded figure who needs to tense his muscles to get up... you know? Another thing, that makes movement feel stiffer I think, is that not all body parts move for all parts of a motion. For example, when theblue guy jumps over 1 Punch Stick with the yoyo, 1 Punch Stick only ducks with his head, and moves his arm a little, the rest of his body doesn't budge/bend/anything, which seems a bit unnatural. It's difficult to get natural motions, but that's where most improvement could be made IMO.

I'm impressed with the animation overall though! Interesting angle with the yoyo, good balance of close-ups and side-view, the yoyo string wasn't always the most natural as it moves, but when One Punch Man... sorry, Stick - is holding it, the slack looks perfect. The fight's nicely scripted too, it all makes sense; follows a red thread, has humor and variation, and even voice acting! :D Wasn't expecting that! lmao copyright issues. XD Good episode; looking forward to the next! Keep up the good work!


Dreamimate responds:

Hey thanks man. I understand what you mean about not looking real. I guess i didn't notice it because i was trying out other things this time. I will try and make it better though.

I did put my outro in the video. It's right at the end after next ep coming soon.
I'm gonna have to fire my voice actor if he doesn't get his act together cause personally i thought it was bad.

It felt like i'd been working on this for 2 weeks when in reality it was only 4 days. its weird. You think i should make the episodes longer? tbh i would if i could but its not really easy with him being one punch stick

lol, didn't seem legit in the series. :) I guess some things might be different here!

Nice seeing a tribute to this awesome anime, in stick form none the less. The motions feel a bit slow though, Maybe you're going for a slow motion effect, but at the start of the fight for example, it just looks like they're slowing down. Also, that green guy, is he supposed to look old? If he is the cyborg (Genos), those crinkles under his eyes might be a detail that emphasizes age more than you want.

Well,looking forward to the next ep; seeing how this series unfolds! The 12 episodes of OPM weren't nearly enough. :)


Dreamimate responds:

LOL ty xD Your comment is very much appreciated. This is my first animation so excuse it for being bad? The green guy is known as as Alfa or FLLFLL. He is a popular stick man and yh he is old. I would reccomend watching Alfa VS umbrella. It will all make sense after as this is like a "what happens next".

I guess he's not changing after all? :P Not sure all his old habits would be better than the new ones lmao, such a random mixture of resolutions! Gets me inspired to put up some more interesting goals for the New Year. Not like these, but eh... something inspiring! Like diving into a pile of snow each time it snows, or saying Hello to strangers who wear a certain color, or maybe wearing a superhero suit in secret hmm. It sets the thought train in motion, this one! I liked the superhero-in-reality twists in particular, morbid, but great! And not the same one for each hook either, like you would usually expect. Happy New Year! Looking forward to what greatness next year might bring!


koit responds:

He's a strange man to be sure !

That sounds like a nice set of ideals for the new year. Definitely do it, will be good for your overall wellbeing methinks.

Hunk looks a lot like Hank from Madness hmm. Wouldn't have known this had anything to do with RE if you hadn't included that in the title, need to catch up! Good stuff.


SuperJeffoMan responds:

Thanks Cyberdevil :)

lol, thought the square would make some smart comment about not seeing it! But I guess not running away at that moment would've been the more illogical step. Nice one; nice work with the fire and surrounding darkness, very effectual compared to the usual blank white notepad bg!


sadakab responds:

Thanks man! Yeah I had a lot of fun with the atmosphere of this episode

Can't help but notice a certain overuse of 'So' as common sentence starter... maybe most notable shortly after 9 minutes. ;) Tutorial overall was great though! Nice glimpse into the CC series as well, which I've still to move onto. Nicely narrated; plenty educating! So, great work!


jessejayjones responds:

For sure! It's my most common word after "um." :P Thank you for the kind words!

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