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Hehe, this is a nice collection of quick parodies. There's LOL, there's some other game I should probably know about, there's a Valentine pun and there's a and some 8.bit music to top it all off. :) The puns are histerically funny, but they're entertaining to watch. Never played LOL myself, and maybe I haven't played that other game either, so just maybe those two jokes would ring louder if I had. Not that the final pun made me crack up either, but they were all entertaining skits anyway. The animation is smooth, and the graphical style cartoonish and exaggerated in what looks like a mixture of Asian/Western style. Good voice acting too, and sound effects when you need them. Keep it up!


Hehe, genius. :) Looks like a both a tribute and a parody on the move, the ending... seizure? is a bit unexpected, lol. Nice mixture of real video and animation. Keep it up!


Haha, that was short and... random. :D Great animation, and especially great work on the voice acting, they sound just like the real characters! The harmlem shake outro is pretty entertaining too. Happy Valentine! :)


This was awesome. It reminds me of Naruto, but with a completely different atmosphere. I don't get what's going on at all, but it was an intense watch. The sound effects, combined with the expressions really build up the emotion. Fear of death, fear of himself, fear of what? There's a lot of fear. Great work1


It starts of creatively, with error, and then it jumps right into traditional Madness Mode. :) The slogan, or whatever you call it at the start of the movie, is a nice start. Nice how it skips back to the roots of the series with the 'Somewhere in', but the animation style is definately different from the regular Madness. Te angles are plentyful and the overall view much more closed up than the original. The blend of action and plot is a nice change too, and the speech bubbles with sybols instead of words makes it international as well. Nice slowmo effects, awesome blood effects, awesome transitions and angle changes, like viewing the room through a bullethole. Great animation!


A soft and harmonious song, along with a rather strange animation. The flat stick character (like the figure from a sign) is a change from the regular sticks or similar characters. It gets pretty entertaining towards the end, though it takes a while for it to start. Not sure if everything has a purpose, like those red bars? But it all fits in with the music. Nice work!


Haha, nice collection of pirate material! :D It's a bit short, but that doesn't keep it from being entertaining. The animation is smooth, graphics simple and the voice acting is in good pirate style too. Wish every scene was as detailed as the introduction though, but it was fun. :) Keep it up!


Awesome collaboration, so many different styles and concepts included, not to mention a list of great arts participating! I guess the idea of a portal is abstract enough to awake all kinds of creative ideas too, and this really showcases a lot of them. Great work!


Nice. If this had been just that first skit, I wouldn't have understood much of this, but the ones that follow are actually understandable. The animation is a bit overly simple (maybe thin the lines a bit?), but it's good enough to convey the puns. I appreicate the navigation feature, too, a great way to move past the jokes you don't like/understand/etc. Nice work!


Haha, nice commercial! Don't really know what makes it funny, since there aren't really any puns or anything, just the flow of events I guess. The main characters rolling eyes are a bit weird at the beginning, how he seems to stare off into space more than he stares at the screen, but maybe that's supposed to hint at the callucinations? It's a nice commercial, and the classic track is a nice addition, with the 'Literature' block it might even be future-proof. :) Nice work!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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