This was great!The animation wasnt that good,it could use some improvement,but the music was great,lol,keep up the good work!
This was great!The animation wasnt that good,it could use some improvement,but the music was great,lol,keep up the good work!
Pretty good fbf animation!Nothing new,but fbf animations like this are still allways entertaingin,keep up the good work!
Pretty good!
Great first submission!lol,it was really funny too!The animation could use some improvement,but its a good start,keep up the good work!Btw,nice idea of penguins taking over.=P
Great again!IM really looking forward to the next episode,when will it be done?keep up the great work!
Looks like the begginning of a great series!The "fog" in the beginning looked really cool too,keep up the great work!
Pretty good!
I havnt watched the original.Who made the original one?This was good though,keep up the good work!
The original was posted by 'RazorJam' under the name: Amature Invisiblity 1
lol,this was really funny!hehe,i wish i was that lucky,keep up the great work!
Another lock alive!Great introduction!lol,pretty funny.Great music in the end too,keep up the great work!
Another one!Awsome!Just as funny as last time too,and the same awsome music!lol,keep up the great work!
Thanks for the review. I'll try to get to work on BTS 3 soon!
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04