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Skeff is.. Skeff. :D The story of stuff seems average and everyday at the beginning, which is precicely why it also seems entertaining. After a while, the average and everyday moves away and things actually start getting random and strange, which makes it all the more entertaining. The intermission with Skeff products is as entertaining as the animation itself, great filming. The animation style is a bit simple, but it's still livid enough to portray the events, it's smooth and squiggly too. I like how it all ends the way of regular shows back in the day, so much the explosion as the music. Nice work!


Entertaining! I must admit I wasn't expecting that much at the start, with the little girl just eating an ice cream, that couldn't be very interesting, could it? As soon as the friendly glutonous monster appears, though, things become interesting. The girls reaction is awesome, and the venture into his bowels was a creative trip, a sign pointing towards the ice cream, sitting upon a piedestal like the main jewel in a museum, haha. Nice work! Great plot, and great animation!


So damn awesome. The effects in this, combined with the regular madness style characters, is just amazing. All the lighting and glow, the bevel and special effects, and the simple blood effects in contrast to that. It's an awesome combination. When the characters move and get hit they look a bit like blobs the way they shake and expand, but otherwise it's all in style with the original, if not even more brutal the way the locations seem peaceful and serene yet that klown makes use of all regular items as weapons. I see a sonic pun too, hehe. The shaky cam works well too, enforces the action. Great animation!


Haha, this makes me want to go play Pokemon again! Pretty awesome how everything turns into a living thing, the clouds, the sky, the molecules, it all adds up. :D And then, the entire world! lmao, nice one. The way they're making more and more of these monsters it's a relevant concept too. Great work!


Wow, you make the game seem intense! The blockheaded grahics combined with all those different angles and effects, it gives an entirely new image of that world. :) Gotta love how the real world is infused with the block one, and the Matrix fundementals. It's a genius idea, with a creative style of animation. Keep it going!


Haha, that was short, and simple, and sweet! :D lmao, talk about emotional outbreak, the speed at which he throws objects is quite a feat, too. keep up the good work!


Ah, this brings me back. There's some nice nostalgia in this, and the mixture between real-life screening of old games, and the animation of old games, and the way the character jumps into some of them, it's a really fun experience. I felt the main character had a bit of a spineless voice in the first scene, but you get used to it. :) It's really a charming animation, and a batch of nostalgia at the same time. Keep up the good work!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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