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Lucas a a Stand-up comedian? Hmm, good idea! Love that lightsaber microhpone, lmao, that's a nice idea for a real-life product. Also, twist ending. Most of the jokes seem to be oriented towards knowledgeable Star Wars fans though, didn't get a lot of them, but still, entertaining watch!


That voice combined with those monstrous suits, lmao, nice. :D Love those suit designs too, apart from the faces they look just like the models. Never seen the cat model though. :P The plot is full of puns and uinexpected randomness, it's fun to watch. Keep up the good work!


Woo. Some pretty pretty sci-fi effects in this. The teleportation at the beginning, the weapon rays, all the technological equipment, it's a much more sophisticated layout than the original. The three-dimensional map is a nice touch as well, though the characters are rather static compared to the originals, they stay on the ground mostly, punch each other down softly (no flips and shit, no blood, or intensity) but it's a great animation, a long and varied adventure in the Madness universe. The text at the end works well, but then it's... over! Wish there was more!


lol, Tricky intermission. :D This movie just brings out the best in not only Madness, but all of newgrounds. Love the FBF animation and the intensity in all the characters, the way you see them grin as they slash each other (or rather, see one of them grin) and at the end where it's all a bloody battlefield it's just... madness. :D Great tribute to a great series! Oh, great music too, another classic. Keep it going!


lmao, would've been crazy with a real life version of this idea, with the original Terminator. :) Nice animation, and it starts off exiting with the glowing red eyes, a lightning appearance, and then... lol. Program aborted. I guess they should've gone with Linux huh. Great work! :)


Nice. Apart from the voice, which I don't understand much of (thankfully there are subs) it's an entertaining piece. Short and simple, and that's a... crazy chicken, lmao. Keep it going!


I was expecting something GTA related, but this was just... completely different. :P Props on a great title though, even though that part seems just as unrelated as the content. The animation in this is perfect though, and the regular robber/mime combo is an entertaining combination. Smooth movements and nice effects, like the lasers, the ruby, etc, it all looks smooth and professional. The voice acting could use some more empathy though, it's a bit reactionless (especially the police at the end). Overall though it was a fun watch, keep it going!


Pretty good.

There's some nice FBF animation in this, but there are also a lot of times when it seems somehow incomplete. The transformations feel like they're skipping frames, and at the end... no replay button? That would've been useful. It's got potential though, just keep it going!


Haha, insane commercials! The first one seems to be the one that most time was spent on, but they're all hilarious, and I'd have to say the last one is a definite favorite. Great work on all of them, on both concept and animation. Great parodies of existing brands too, specially in that last one. Keep it up!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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