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The entertainment just never stops with Sleep Cast! Such a pace. Always new topics to talk about, and what massive work putting together this collab! I've seen bits and pieces but never an entire thing like this. Awesome work.


Well that was an unexpectedly sad story. Impressive work, and idea, and conveying it all without a single word having to be uttered. The soundtrack's subtle but well-sculpted, and though motions are sometimes a bit stiff, they are robots so... it all works. The style makes me think of Wall-E. Nice piece.


Well that was pretty trippy! Wonder if all the video footage on the screen was made exclusively for this as well? If so: it's an impressive variety. I like the lucid style of animation too, how the images shift, and blur, and seem to fade into each other through the motions. The quality of photography is a bit dark, but considering the theme it seems to work well anyway. If you want to make smooth stopmotion I'd recommend having a placeholder for the paper though, and a stand for the camera, so neither shifts around, but in this case that had a pretty interesting effect on the atmosphere.

All in all a twisted, trippy but intriguing movie, and in the end... I guess it's all about drugs. Deep meaning considering the concept's a random robot boy who doesn't seem to have neither motives nor temptations. It's all a trip.


Seems like a pretty simple-minded man this Mr. Farage. :) Simple entertainment.


Clever title. :) And what a crazy family to live with, makes me want to check the series and see how similar it really is. The cartoon style feels familiar, and voice acting suitably loud and rich in intention too. Nice work!


That's a pretty aweso9me toaster! XD Best Minecraft animation ever. Just like with animation: you can make ANYTHING! Love the different approach. Wasteful. Contemplative. Simple and somehow so aesthetically appealing. In truth a humble abode, for a humble man.


The game looks, albeit not all that spectacularly creative and different, good, but the voice acting! Holy shit it builds up the atmosphere well. May not look like much, but it sounds amazing. Great work putting it together.


Just another regular day at work huh. :) Wonder how the next one'll turn out after this! Though the concept would be a more philosophical one, on topic of actually killing 'time', considering the 'concept and story' and serious tone of description, but though different this didn't disappoint. Creative, intense and entertaining! Nice work.


ThatJemmaGirl responds:

Oh this is just a documentary of my retail life. Thank you for the kind words. I agree. I would like to explore this more.

Short but intense entertainment. :) Love how these always manage to surprise, you know something unintentional's going to happen but never who or what or how it does! Entertaining series of sensible random plotline with epic voice acting.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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