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Well, as you do mention the voice acting isn't the best, it's aoverpowered a bit by the music, it's low and not always as distinguishable as it could be, but the animation was all better! Great work on fluent movements, backgrounds and everything. A brutal side-step. Weird irrelevant character references towards the end (Barney? You're still alive?!). Entertaining; slightly random! And seemed like it'd turn out very differently than it did (as in: good surprise effect). Keep it going!


Fun stuff. :) Animation's fluent, music's got the groove, overall it's awesomely melodic entertainment! Thanks for making. :P


Stickmen without faces somehow look very strange when the backgrounds aren't white and blank hmm, entertaining venture through the Stickman world otherwise! And with voices! Turned out pretty good.


plasticapple responds:

Thanks! :)

Wish these episodes were a liiitlle bit longer! Was just getting into the Alien atmosphere when... it's done. Good facts though, all new and unknown, and from a franchise I've seen so much of too. Looking forward to the next one!


ZenithQuinn responds:

longer means more expensive and harder to get out weekly. Maybe when the channel gets more popular on youtube i can afford to double the episodes! However the next one is Jurassic Park and that'll be a minute long

Looks like the start of something epic! Sprite work is great, but what really sets it on a new level compared to so much other sprite animation is the sound. The melancholy music that soon grows in intensity, the effects, the voice, the intention! Got goosebumps on a couple points there, that most intense part of the speech, the reboot... surprised a sprite animation would have such an effect!

It really shifts atmosphere when Sonic jumps into the picture though, and I like the clash of atmosphere between good and evil, dark and light, a plot slowly brewing and taking shape... watched from start to finish and enjoyed every second. Looking forward to the next one!!


Accana responds:

Thanks for watching man! I really appreciate your comments. Things like this push me to work more intently on detail and make it even better! :D


Not that I get the joke (if there is one... care to explain?), but it was well-animated and entertaining. Voicing's great too, and it depicts an event but... what's it all about?? Original plot/pun might be a good idea, even with parody video. Keep it going!


lol? I don't get the joke at all, but the Waluigi act is so intense; hyper I have no choice but to be entertainmed anyway. Even if I was disapointed nothing happens at the end there. No crash. Nothing. As for potential joke explanation: in description maybe? Nice work!


Hah, I knew it'd end like that! A fun; fast-paced musical venture till that devasting ending there, full of color and joy and happy crafting. Nice work!


obsu responds:

Thank you! :)

Animation quality feels a bit inconsistent on some parts, like some backgrounds, like the mountainscape in particular. I like the sketchy style otherwise, stickfigure-simple with a little added expression and detail. Voices are good too. Good plot. Good fun!


What an awesome Birthday animation! :D I usually draw a card, but this is a whole other level of dedication! How old is the little guy? Is that genuine voice recording an actual capture from the celebration? Nice work!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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