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Hmm, one of those parodies where you'd have to play the game to get the joke, I guess? Well-animated it was, but pun I'm not getting. :/


Another masterpiece, as much in animation as in script, the transitions between scenarious, the perceptable monotony, sudden aging in what seems like just a fleeting moment, and I wasn't expecting the shot of all that competition waiting outside the door... I like the added color and texture compared to the previous too, the contrasts in light/dark/times of day really bring forth the overall mood. Great work!


Haha, he didn't buy it? Seemed to hold some serious potential and promise though! XD Nice detail on the budget spending. Fun stuff.


Looks like I missed this one. Another good, slightly humurous, but all the more heartfelt episode. Keep it going!


A battle between the giants!! And what a genius series of attacks. :D NG looks a bit like Abobo in this one. Also feels like those name/level/HP boxes are oddly placed, like the DA one is with the NG dude and vice versa, but setting such minor confusions aside: this was awesome. Battle against YT up next hmm? Keep it going!


First and foremost of 2015! Way to put pressure on yourself, making something at the start of the year that all potential otherwork can't possibly top. :P Sums up the situation of the world pretty well, in all serious sincerity, and then makes something fun out of it. I thought the apocalypse was a fever though, burning, sweating, clearing out the toxins in the process of recuperating.

Also really nice zooming out effect at the start there. Looking forward to whatever other greatness this grand new year brings! And maybe some riches in the process huh? Nice work!


So this was the one that other one was based on! Things really have changed since then! Mario doesn't look half as Mario-like in this one, and even though the plot is basically all the same, it feels like an entirely different piece. Also no Peach. Not the same without Peach! And such a small resolution. But it's fun seeing the progress between these two, and the differences. It's not a bad animation either, but the new one is definately so much better!


golfinho responds:

thanks for compare!!!!

So much self-criticizing in this series! But I guess you wouldn't be creative without it, it's like the talon of talent, the tropes of the trade, the agony of art. Another good episode, though seems somewhat less humorous; more serious than the recent ones. Looking forward to the next edition; maybe some revelations on how that portfolio turned out!


lol, I should really get into the real series to maybe possibly understand this potential parody content better. Or if it's supposed to be as random as it seems: it was random! Plenty entertaining, even with those simple sketche stills rather than real animation to go with the voices. Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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