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Ah, so that's the reason! Hope uploads are going smoother now, and as for the animation: fun stuff. XD Having a hoot with this one.


Definitely has been a while since the last one! :) And now I can't wait for the next one... some bits of the script still aren't voiced, but the voices sure are more than they used to be too. Everything seems to have improved. Three dimensional backgrounds and everything! And the fights: awesome. But of course, it's their personalities that make this series stand apart from so many others! Hyped for the next one!


And now he's driving for free! XD Really stepped out of the therapy room with this one, and though I'm missing that traditional dog-related wit there I do like the variation. Maybe the next ten episodes are taking place in a new place? Either way: always hilarious, and nice to see an episode where the main character doesn't somehow manage to be the one left behind.


The one thing I can't really figure out here is what she's made of... and what about the rest? What's the story? I love the style otherwise, the build-up and the sudden switch, and how it all flows with the music, yet when it's all over I really yearn for some kind of explenation. Amazing work with somewhat lacking a clue as to the truth behind this mad, mad world. Is it the stuff oh hopes and dreams... she holds within? The dark side of the city that reveals itself? Or simply a dystopian future scenario with something gone terribly wrong? Imagination doth run wild but I'd love to know.


A pilot for a special kind of pilot! :) It starts with a bang, and ends with... an unexpectedly elaborate plot build-up that does make me want to see more! Crazy credit music seems to hint there may be some future craziness involved too. :) Hope the series makes it to NG as well as elsewhere! Awesome work.


Props on that description wordplay. XD The trailer itself reminds me of Attack of The *insert random animal or insect or other item that hasn't yet been used here*, or Return of the ditto. Have yet to watch one of those that didn't at least turn out entertaining! Would've been the same with this one for sure. Good stuff.


What a twist, and what a transformation! Though course it has to stop at the best part there. :P Nice one.


Banana gun? Rusty homage? :P Appearances can certainly be deceiving! Do appreciate a dose of unexpected, though this could've gone so many other, more senseful ways...


Stupid humor somehow carries with it a notion that it'd be harmless, but this... unexpected twist! I feel like... like there could've been some more sense to it, somehow. Some intentional pun rather than total random violence between friends, but do like the style! Original.


Well that was random! Well-animated; voiced. Looks like this is gonna be an interesting collab...


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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