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Now I gotta see the original thing. XD Well sung, played and all, and after-credit additional comedy slowly rolling by...


this... this a real story?! The cat bit I could have believed, but the owner's unfortunate demise shortly after, hmm.... doubt comes springing. Well told though, and with a good moral: don't ask someone else to take care of your cat.


Hmm suddenly the possibly profitable idea of buying cars just to scrap them comes to mind... I need to do some further research on this topic! As for the sketch: probably most entertaining one yet. Or in a while. This year, possibly? I forget, but hilarity like this coupled with the authentic dangers thereof seems rare. Witty retorts for all possible situations too in the son/dad conversations. Much enjoyable! Glad you survived all those cars growing up and lived to tell this tale about them.


Thought I found the easter egg but hmm... if there's not just the one I'd better watch this a few times more! Solid commercial work, mysterious foreign characters and all (if I could read that I'm sure there'd be even more of the ^). Idea's entertaining, animation's smooth; pace is good! Nice one.


Not too short for a short. :) Motion's smooth and merciless, though the authenticity might be better - sometimes they're a bit slow in reacting/dodging, and sometimes almost unnaturally fast. Overall not bad though! Nice start.


MrSarge26 responds:

Why thank you :)
I am only messing with reactions and timing and pacing and stuff as of the moment. Not very good, but your comment reminds me to keep improving and put my best work forward.
I sincerely thank you.

It's like Sailor Moon but underwater huh. :) Sort of. Appreciate the watery feel it all has to it, with the splashes and bubbles and surrounding blue... and of course the motion. All so smooth. Not the type of animation I'd usually watch but it does have a magical feeling to it. :) Turned out pretty uplifting! And the quality's old Disney level most definitely. Awesome work.


Pretty awesome work. :) Digging the music, the vibe; the video too. Pixel work's simple but smootyh! Oldskool. Crisp and aptly colored. Not so sure about the bits of song, but everything else about this was awesome. The beat holds a certain nostalgia too with that airy synth, and goes well with the animation. Gets savage as it goes too! :D Awesome work!


cfequiere responds:

Thank you.

For a first this is really impressive! Incredibly detailed, and smoothly animated. The background, animation and occasional effects combine well. Looks awesome. When his eyes darken and he tears at his hair... you really capture the expressions! In terms of content it feels a bit like a teaser for something greater, not scary per say but hinting at greater things. The original piece, I guess. Awesome work.


Cthulhuzann responds:

You can stream it here for cheap https://gum.co/MOEZ

The film doesn't come across as horror. Maybe sci fi. I meant it to be scarier, for sure. But I think a lot of the animation is good. So I stuck with it.

All of this a stopmotion world! :O SO impressive. Seemed the scrolling bit goes through the same scenery a bit in the beginning, or maybe I'm just hoping it does because with that detailed scenery you'd best be using some repeat trick to get as much out of it as possible... the scenery gets simplier as it goes, but still all so impressive, and a psychedelic, old-looking end at the end. Love the music and how it builds up. Love how the repetition becomes a part of it. Love everything about this really! Experimental but catchy; with plenty of creative flare, a time of adventure in what seems like a dull and dystopian world otherwise. Good trip.


Now this was pretty awesome! :) Just the fight in itself would've been impressive, but the smoke does work well as well, only in that one final scene with no motion does it seem more like a layer than a real part of the product. Awesome work! I like the subtle sound effects too. Makes you feel like you're watching through a mist. Ninja kind of stuff.


PatrickDomingo responds:

thank you Cyberdevil we will try to improve that

thank for the tips also :)

Bamboo Shoots!

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