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lol, unexpected trailer break with the KKK! Real professional voice acting to go along with the animations, it's got that depth you expect from actual trailer narrative. Nice work!


Another groovy Toons These Days episode! Short; entertaining as always, showcasing shows I'd probably never get to know of otherwise. Keep it going!


What an artistic trip across the bridge of life and.. whatever's after it! Pretty brutal premise for the plot, but that otherside venture was awesome. Slick; creative animation all the way, and contrastingly minimal black and white for the 'real world'. Could be a message in there somewhere. :P Nice work!

Btw, really thought this would have something to do with the movie with the same name.


AliensOnToast responds:

Thanks dude :) I didn't even know that there was a movie by the same name until after I released it :/ It was a name assigned to me for the film challenge. And I agree, there's probably a message in there somewhere ;) Thanks for the review :)

Interesting landlord you have there! Apparantely a nonsensical ramble might not be the most entertaining thing to listen to though... and combined with the ambient music it feels all the more... slow and... uneventful. Animation's nice, audio's somewhat entertaining, but it felt a bit slow overall. Interesting idea though!


ndcanton responds:

thanks! i did a couple of these as audio only for my friends (part of the joke for me was the ambience mixed with this nervous guy's repetition/hypnotic rambling), i thought it would be good to see what was happening on the other end of the phone. agreed though, not much development for a narrative piece.

Ehh that was ehh pretty unexpected! Feels like there's potential for meaningful comedy here, animation and voicing is top-notch and all, but it leaves me with a frown rather than a laugh. Still entertaining though!


The predators and their pray... what a line-up! Was expecting them to spring into action, also half-expecting a human to be waiting behind that bird... or maybe a bear would've been a more natural predator, but I suppose I'm glad nothing does happen, it's a friendly, wisening type of display on the ranks of life. And beautiful animation!


Nice little animation, warm and colorful, bright and happy, even if the wings make it seem like at least one of the main character is no longer with us... feels like a metaphor that can be misunderstood easily! I liked it though, especially the hand-drawn textures.


zvch3 responds:

Yeah I see where the wings can be misleading, but it was to support the corny text at the end lol. I'm alive and well, I can assure you that!

Haha lmao. XD Really wasn't expecting that at all! Seemed a bit cheesy at first... but it turned out hilarious. Praying mantis type mating huh? :P Nice work!


lmao, seems like even an old OS can be an advatnage in certain situations! Nice one.


Bamboo Shoots!

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