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Step by step one step instructional video on how to efficiently remove the mythical brow parasite hmm. Bizarre stuff!


Animation's not bad, but the vocal quality... could definately use some improvements! Fortunately it's not all as fuzzy and hard to hear as it is in that first scene, it feels like it gets better and better as it progresses, but the start is practicaly inaudible. Mesh of animations and ideas is great though, keep it going!


Hah, an entertaining lesson too! Random; fun. Nice work!


Zikpotimus responds:

oh thank u!

Sooo random! Entertaining plotwise, but it seems like it could use some more puns and punchlines, some more things that make sense, maybe some more effectual sound-effects to go with actions... I'm thinking when the train speeds forth, when the cub comes flying, when the big bear roars in rage, the overall atmosphere is surprisingly silent. So much detail in the visuals, not so much in the sound. Anyway, looking forward to how this series turns out, seems like it could turn into anything!


Cameron-Ohara responds:

Thank you very much!! I'm no so good with sound mixing, but I'll give it some more thought in the next one.

P.S. There's a new animation test up!! lol... super short though... :(

lmao, much more eventful than my swimming lessons ever were! Strange how such a simple misunderstanding; character brutality can be so fun. And probably more so when nobody actually gets hurt. Nice work!


Cheetoh responds:

Thank you so much I'm glad you liked it :)

Short, obscene, but somehow still entertaining! Maybe just cause it's Bill Burr. Didn't know Bill Burr did a podcast either, definately going to check that out later on. Seems like making animations after podcasts is the new thing now, but I don't mind at all, visuals fit the audio perfectly. Hope there'll be more! And maybe with podcast bits that actually have a solid joke. ;)


SKillustration responds:

Thanks, Yeah I've got a few others planed that are a bit more fleshed out. Glad you enjoyed it.

Impressive animation quality!! It's a shame this wasn't the daily first, and the weekly first... even on NG it feels rare with animation of this caliber. The plot's a bit abstract, a bit hard to relate to even if the sadness does show when it's all over... I'm more impressed with the work that went into animating it than what it's actually trying to tell, though I'm sure the symbolism here means more than it'd seem if you just take it for what it is? Magnificent work.


PhilStankus responds:

Thank you for such a nice review! This was the first time I ever got to work with an honest-to-goodness team, and they’re all really, really good people and friends. It wouldn’t have looked half this good or finished without them. We had a really good time, and we’re very proud of the result.

I’ve heard some interesting interpretations of the plot, as for myself it came to mean something very personal, but the story really came out of one picture- I had drawn all these different elements and then there was this little world on the page. That was the film. I really like that world, and I’d like to revisit it someday.


It's one series popping up after the other! Though, this one does seem more like a movie than a series, even if it ends without any real finality. The bad guys aren't defeated. It's not even certain if the good guys win. It's unclear what'd happen next if nothing follows.

Animation looks great. The cityscape background in particular almost looks like a photo, but in dark locales it feels like not everything is affected equally by light. The faces almost glow on their own, even if the clothes seem to just absorb all light that hits them. Also, bit strange and chunky shadows playing on the character faces.

GITS type setting works pretty well, feels like it has the same somewhat saturated color scheme as well, similar soundtrack and a similar protagonist. I start imagining how awesome it'd be if there was every any similar serial animation made in tribute/homeage to Oni, could hold traits from both series but seems like it'd have a much quicker plot. Anyway, as always: good entertainment!


Kel-chan responds:

I have another part of this- I dunno if this will be a series instead of more of like an ova? meh semantics. I kind of like this better than KAGE actually but who knows.

Love the chiptunish pop music, and that flashy; flagrantly colorful and stylish sequence of animation that goes it! Though seems like an intro more than an animation, like a series just waiting to happen... wouldn't that be an innovative idea for showcasing an album, within a sequence of episodical music video type animation interwined with all audio? This was good!


Well that was... strange! What a contrast between what you hear and what's actually going on, which is... wait what is really going on here? Wonder if it's as random as it seems, or if there's some sense to it. Seems like one character'd be inanimate and the other unable of such emotional display... but the animation style's pretty interesting! Wonder how the plot will possibly progress even further in the next ep. Keep it going!


TheKeep responds:

Thanks for the feedback! At the risk of being too vague, I'll say that it's not quite as random as it seems, the characters in this (and future) episodes are odd and seemingly out of place but they have their reasons for being in The Keep! More will unfold in the next four episodes!

Bamboo Shoots!

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