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lmao at that final segment of song which out of context would sound pretty twisted! Entertaining little short about asses and resurrections. Happy Easter!


tonyfamous responds:

Thanks. You too. :-)

lol, that turned into a contest quickly... though who can contest with time, it's our own invention anyway, such a subjective thing, one minute for one might be like an hour to another! Anyway, part from the interview moving a bit slow sometimes, and the voices not always that clear to hear, and how I thought the interview would take place aboard a plane (was thinking the background didn't look very plane-like at first) it wasn't bad! Could have some joke about airwaves, considering the plane, interview, you know... keep up the good work!


Feels like some of those voices could use some more intent, especially towards the end there! Graphics are great, music's tense... looks like something to look forward to!


Am I just imagining things or did the animation suddenly get a huge facelift? Everything seems so much smoother allofasudden, though it looks like main characters are still drawn in Paint... wonder if there is any notable difference in the working process with this one episode? Giant cats-a-pulled a fast rampage, and suddenly they all seem so docile and harmless! Entertaining stuff, especially the introductory segment of nourishing narrative, transitional typograhpy and manual drawings where in particular that one pile of pillows really looks like just a pile of pillows! Looking forward to Pt.3!


Bertn1991 responds:

Thanks, Cyber!! : D I always like hearing what you have to say. You are cool! And yes, everything is drawn in bare-bones-basic Microsoft Paint. I guess I spent more time on the character design though. I like drawing cats ^w^

I'm afraid it's gonna be a long time before I finish part three. They don't take that long to make, I just don't have as much time to work on them as I'd like. I'm very grateful that there are people who like my dumb ol' cartoons, and want to see them. Be on the look out. I make make a nod or reference to you in the episode in some way ; )

Heh, so they weren't dinosaurs after all! It's the story of the legendary day when giant cats wrecked havoc in the city and the forever changed out world! though they don't seem as big a meance as they seemed to seem at a first glance. Nice; randomly entertaining as always, though that audio is still a bit out of balance, noticable particularly after he sings his song at the top of the mountain (nostalgia!) and the cat starts speaking, real speaker-adjustment-required contrast between volume levels there. Well, definately enjoying everything else here! One more to go...


Dinosaurs hmm, this might make for some interesting plot development! :D Entertaining as always, though that 'Clothes' clip blew my speakers, a bit more balanced volume throughout the episode would be neat indeed! Onto the next part...


Bertn1991 responds:

Thank you!! I'm glad you liked it : ) Spoiler alert, there are no dinosaurs in the next episode, but something much, much more deadly.

You are not gonna like the next episode. Your speakers are gonna explode! I will work on sound more next time : )

lol, that was random! Puppet movement feels a bit stiff (if they're meant to look like puppets), but they do keep moving, all the time, never still, never boring. Definitely an interesting idea for character presentation to tell the joke. Nice work!


A good speedpaint video, and interesting you bring up things like references too, don't think that's very common. You really see the connections of the current work. Nice art!


Was really expecting some twist at the end, but that there was no twist... now that was a real twist! He survives! All is OK! Thumbs up! The suddenly optimistic ending expression's a surprise contrast to the tense atmosphere otherwise, surprisingly tense considering it's such a short short. Animation's simple but effectual. Nicely done!


toxicbomb responds:

Haha, thank you! Good review!

Bamboo Shoots!

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