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So... what was fastfood made out of again? Don't think I caught that part! Overall this was a supremely entertaining; crazy episode featuring a very untraditional superhero/villian/?. Was wondering how he'd be able to sink a sub if he couldn't beat three ninjas, but ah, it's revealed! :D Looking forward to ep 3 in... another year maybe?


Hmm, could turn that heart thing at the end to a button; link to your follow page maybe?`Animation was simple genius though, I was expecting a big bang at first, but you caught me off guard for a moment there! Nice one.


A lot of work into that seemingly so simple scorpion symbol! Makes me realize I really should learn masks properly, instead of vectoring in lines/blocks of colors whenever I want that colorshift-over-lines effect. Nice speedpaint!


From a molecular level to a full and figurative flow huh! Nicely animated/modelled, with pretty swift and realistic body movement at the end... wonder if it is actual footage with an added filter? Nice work!


cadence1 responds:

Thanks for your comment. The body movements are based on a video I shot (my wife doing her workout while my music played) and then rotoscoped it and used as a mask with some effects. I learned a lot about rotoscoping while working on this. It seems that the lightning, background and even what the dancer is wearing make a big difference. For example, on some footage she was wearing black gloves, and that made it super easy to rotoscope her hands. Without gloves, her hands were blending too much with the wall behind her and it was difficult to rotoscope that. I wish I had that green background they use in professional studios, ha ha.

Thanks again for your comment. I'm glad you liked it!

lmao, that escalated quickly! :D Can't say I can relate, but it was a fun watch. Nice work!


Ricanfly responds:

Thanks man! :) I'm glad you liked it!

Madness, bunnies, easter hmm... it's Easter Gunnies right? ;) Don't think I've seen this done before, but there's nothing like a little Madness to liven up a festive occasion like this! Refreshingly random too.


lmao, they just turn all beasts to sheep huh! But what happens when the world is covered in sheep?! O_o


Not really sure why they were taken to jail? Or who left the key that helped them get out. I do like the lack of words, but even more so when there isn't anything left that feels unexplained and confusing that words could've potentially answered. ;) Very nicely animated though, still really enjoying the ambient pace in this series. Nice work!


Extellus responds:

I'll think of that in the future, thanks a lot for the review. ^^ =)

lmao, the Gang appear out of nowhere to save the day! Well, almost. What a contrast beteen cartoon comedy and hallowed horror. Nice work!


A more captivating visual novel than I thought it'd be in the first few panels. Seemed a bit cheesy at first, but when it's all over I do wonder how that strange relationship might develop, if they catch the villian, who this newly appeared hero really is, what'll happen to those other Pokemon... and the Pokemon here are really brought to life too, it's a more personal glimpse into this one particular world than I've seen earlier, where not only do people and monsters interact and bond but actually speak, strategize and battle on their own accord! Nice work.


NekoStar responds:

Thanks! Yeah, it starts off slow, but it gets there. X3 I personally only like pokemon talking if a psychic pokemon is talking through the mind. In this case, Katan, the gallade, is forming a psychokinetic bridge, allowing their team to speak freely through 'thought speech.' Anyways, very glad you liked it, and are involved in the story, and I hope you tune-in to the webcomic when it comes out! :3

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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