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For a while there, I was thinking ending the animation with just a black screen was a pretty neat idea, not knowinf it if was the end or not, if something evil was about to burst forth or if it was really all over... as always, highly effectual; twisted entertainment! Nice work!


Comick responds:

Thanks Cyberdevil! :) Yeah I always found something kinda eerie when you watch old films and they just cut off and you sit in silence haha. I always think "something is going to kill me now I know it!"

Another perfect loop with intricate detail! :D The falling motion seems familiar somehow, but potential deja vu disconsidered, I love it. Nicely animated; effectually sounded. And though you know it loops, it still remains fun to watch a few times over.


Butzbo responds:

Thank you Cd; I've worked with this character more than once (in one of last NATA's shorts) which already had plenty of spinning things; not sure if that's what makes it seem familiar, heheh.

lmao, flying pigs shitting laserbeams. What a battle! Entertainly random overall, and the statual changes for less statual events in particular. Good stuff!


mattyburrito responds:

Thanks so much for watching!

Hmm so the time it took to make's a part of the joke? Clever idea, though in the end... it's justa sad watching him swing on the swingset there. :( Very nicely animated though, slick and effectual, creepy symbolism in that one rope. Keep it going!


lmao, what a plot twist when he wasn't the customer after all. Nice one!


WellingL responds:

Thank you! I'm still nowhere near the master of the twist as one such M knight Shyalnamnomnom.

lol, wasn't expecting that twist to 2D at the end! What an easy outlet for all that previous tension and fierce battle spirit. Nicely animated!


Bananinja responds:

Thx man! :)

Nicely animated but... feels like so many people have popped out from under that mask by now that it needs some kind of twist to be entertaining. I thought the intro was part of the animation at first btw, face to skull, a darker form of the TMNT meme. Anyway though, nicely done!


Nice idea with the .fla files! I do wonder about a lot of techniques other artists use, but for some reason they rarely ever provide a source. Will definitely have a look. The plot was entertainingly random, and that loop when he's hitting the corner of the table hmm... I thought he'd died too.

Only thing that distracts me a bit are the voices, the way they're kinda whispering loudly even for screams, etc, and how the girl doesn't seem very girly. :P Sound quality's good overall though, clear and easy to hear. Nice work!


CosmicArt responds:

haha thanks, yea i figured, cause i know its something that would have helped me if i was just starting out. we animators gotta stick together!

and yea, its something i really need to work on. its that or i gotta get a little help, which im planning to do very soon.

It's like a glimpse into the mind of an artist. Very interesting play with shadows; silhouettes, and stopmotion. Was thinking it'd be dark at first, but it has more of an atmosphere of... creation, of making something, exploring the mind, the process of though. Interesting; enjoyable work!


larit responds:

Thank you, we long went to creation of this work!

Bamboo Shoots!

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