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Artful detail and random moral provided, along with that melodical balalayka background! Was really expecting something more to happen, but the art's arguably detailed so... nice work on that!


Pretty interesting mash between CGI animation and regular backgrounds! The plots an entertainig dialog trick, with the words come to life in animation, short but entertaining!


lol, guess that promised sequel is as elusive as the point of this musical! The Tricky's Song credit was a nice spoiler that something'd be off with the animation, though I'm glad Tricky himself didn't make an appearance. Entertaining sprite short though, despite shortness, and Kirby's voice really sounds like that one guy from South Park. Nice work.


Sounds like that tomato's been through a lot of theses shows, memorizing the words like that. The most twisted thing about this is probably how the sacrifice is something the vegetables seek, how there's no pain or agony when the onion gets sliced in half... and yet, they're alive! O_o Ironic that the lack of violence is what makes this otherwise so harmless animation seem so twisted. Nice work!


lol, that sudden manhole disappearance at the end made me start to consider it may have actually not been based upon a podcast after all, feels like an unusually complete segment to have been from a podcast! Nicely done, animation and everything, and that definately is the one major inconsistency in the TMNT plot. Maybe all rats actually have Japanese roots though, or Nijutsu genes... they are pretty agile creatures even in un-mutated form hmm...


rubberonion responds:

haha yea that was a bit we put in at the end to work in our trivia contest winner into this "podcastimation." also, my other co-host, pat, wasn't on the recording of that episode of the podcast so we just had him eat pizza and look at us the whole time and had him record a little 'dammit' for the ending. it was fun adding in a little something extra to the animation audio/scene too for those who listened to me rant for 2 hours about how much better the 1990 movie was than the 2014 movie (=

glad you liked it!

Don't think I've seen any instructional videos on modeling before, so this was pretty interesting, even though it's still more of a speedpaint err... speedmodel, than an actual tutorial, seeing as you aren't taught the tools of the craft, tricks of the trade, not even what program is being used? Anyway, was interesting to watch. Keep it going!


ToonymanStudios responds:

This only the Introductory Series it's meant to show you what I will be doing for when the real Series come out! also the whole idea was to not show you anything you simply just watch it!, it is Me, the viewers(you!) and a plain Canvas! or 3D Space or what ever I'm doing without the distractions this is all to get you used to My style. this is to engage you in the program. there's about 50 Episodes alone for this Series. In the Next Series I will be more proactive and give more Info.

For more Info Used Link below:

Thanks and feel free to Follow Me. there's ton more too come.

lol, the dream cure fits all random plot twists! What a brutally entertaining venture through the lands of lore and... some specific game? Or is it a world of your own? Either way, it turned out great, animation; voicing and... subtitles! :D Keep it going!


RazzaTv responds:

Thanks, the parody is about League of legends.

A new; entertaining segment of the series, though it ended pretty suddenly. Definately feels like a scene rather than an episode, which makes me wonder if the sense of continuity wouldn't be better were they all connected. Anyway, nice work; looking forward to the next one!


3rabbitsproductions responds:

I totally agree with you:) It would make more sense, but I'm trying to gather an audience and this way I get more views. Thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed it. These take so long to make! -3Rabbits

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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