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Was expecting a change of perspective at the end there, with the height of the slide all in his mind. Suddenly it was super short instead. But hey, this works too! Good fun, with a flare of drama and entertaining main character duo too.

And about that one week, how long DID this take? Curious now. Nice work.


lewispyre responds:

I think it ended up taking around 3 weeks, which was a bit depressing, but I'd just started working retail so that's prob the main reason it took so long.

Also I'm lazy

No matter which side they're on it's always the other side huh. :) A duo against the world.. I like how much this could mean, and outside the meaning: the style of it all was pure awesome. Fast-paced and energetic even though it had that laid-back-like pace all the way! A blast of ambience and action all at the same time. Beautiful work!


At least it ended a good way... sort of. The cycle of justice. I imagine it'd be a whole other mood with the original tune instead of a midi, which feels somewhat distant, but the animation's nicely done. Music and morality too.


That final Wanted poster was sooo short, hard time to time in that particular frame! Otherwise smooth animation, voicing and all. Not sure what this is in reference to but good stuff.


LaurenLArtist responds:

Thanks a bunch! It's a parody of a cartoon called Villanos on Cartoon Network LA. The last frame was an easter egg, so good catch!

And they all live happily ever after the crash! :D On the moon or... wherever it they go when the Earth explodes. Not sure what really happened at the end there hmm... good stuff though! Those two days of boredom sure quenched ours!


ToppleNG responds:

Ay thanks so much man!

That legendary meeting. XD Another great scene from what seems to be a pretty great collab in the making!


I don't even know where to start with this one. XD The smoothness of animation is impressive, with the swirling rainbow roads (Mario Kart homage?) and radiant cosmic lights playing in the backround as backdrop for a crazy race on gigantic space critters with strangely familiar form ridden by an alien species characterized best by their bouncy butts. Also with cameos of characters only previously seen (by me at least) in scenes of your newest project, which makes me wonder if maybe these are all re-occurring creatures in that creative universe of your making?

You definitely came to the right place to upload cock jokes too! Wasn't expecting it to be this harmless by title and rating, but relieved it was all handled with such class. XD Nice one. Also nice promo opportunity with this too!


JaninaPutzker responds:

hahaha! can I use this as the movie synopsis? xD <3

It sure was quite a sight! It's like a mixture between the Psycho animations and good ol' Betty Boop, that slowly turns from a happy journey to... something else entirely. Wasn't expecting her head to explode with that final scene though! I held some vague hope she'd make it out of there alright, alert the authorities and put an end to all that brainwashing, blood and folly. Or something such. Very nicely animated though, and the mood... definitely gets uncomfortable at the end there. Happy Early Halloween!


ClockworkPixel responds:

Thank you very much!
The beauty of old school cartoons is that no matter how it ends, our hero always returns ok in the next one haha

Definitely do want to know more about this! And hope to see more of it in the future! Such colorful, creative crazy, and catchy music to go with it. Awesome glimpse. Feels like I'm a fan already.


Well that was fun. XD Nostalgic days of old times past... not bad for a first flash. All endless loops you can just keep playing forever and ever too.


Bamboo Shoots!

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