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Time for some creative insanity! The volume in the acts of voice seem to sway a bit, and there are occasional chunks of silence when you'd think they should be saying something, but apart from that this was a real feast of action to watch. The animation isn't always consistent, but you definately manage to capture the motion in movements, and build up some pretty crazy scenarious. A bit much random, maybe, but still plenty of entertainment. Nice work!


Pure logic. Reading definately requires quite the mental energy and effort, hah. Unexpected end though, just a... moral message rather than an animated finale. Nice work on doing all those voices yourself btw, the characters do sound diferent, keep it going!


Yusuf responds:

Actually, it was voiced by SnakeYukin, but he hasn't accepted the project invite yet.

Haha, that ending! :D Great combination of real scenery and an animated frontfigure, and a speech that sounds taken directly from discovery channel. The main character is a supreme combination of cute and bizarre too, so creatively simple. Great work!


Haha, so true! :D Great work on the expressions and sound effects, both of those really bring this quick sketch to new heights. There's really nothing more to say, it's perfect. Nice work!


Hey, another episode! I wasn't expecting another one this soon, maybe there are even more stashed away, just waiting to be submitted? Great animation, great sound (and as always it's great how nothing actually needs to said for you to understand what's going on)... yeah, great everything. Keep it going!


Toonbox responds:

Yes, you are right. We have finished 9 episodes already. We will publish all of them. They all made with flash, and this site is the best place to submit our films )))

Haha, Darth Vader appears on the scene! :D Another awesome clash of characters. Gotta love the sound effects for all the extending weapons, the fights, everything. The graphics are as smooth as the sound is, but still, no plans on color? Looking forward to more of this great series!


Well this was... interesting. I'm not sure I understand most of what's going on or being said, but it was an entertaining watch nevertheless. Both animation and voice acting are superb, even if the plot is way over my head. Keep it going!


With Tankment any Christmas gets brutal. Nice voice acting, nice animation and nice work on twisting up the plot. It fights right in with the rest of the series. Merry Belated Christmas!


Horsenwelles responds:

jesus you are so many years belated

Well that went fast. First they're back and then all of a sudden... they're gone again! :P Nice short though. The widescreen style of drawing almost makes it look like a comic, and the way you click the first image to start the movie almost had me thinking it would be.. for a while. Nice work!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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