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Hah, awesome idea! :D The animation loops flawlessly, and the music fits right in. It seems like the voice should go with a female character though, so why not the tankwoman as the main character instead? That would add some visual appeal at the same time. All the same though, great idea! Keep it going! :)


This was an entertaining hybrid. The color scheme and background are both remniscent of the original creations, so the characters are really the only clash. They fit in easily though, and the short is... short... violent... and entertaining. Nice work!


Nice. The style of animation is pretty similar to the original, especially the closeups. The tank logo used as a tank is a grainy though, and the backgrounds not always so refined, but overall it's an entertaining short. And Cosby? Well that was random. :D Keep it going!


fadedshadow responds:

yeah dude, it's not really THAT great but i animated this like 7 years ago lol

Oh lmao, so this is how all the parodies got started. Though the caliber doesn't really compare to previous animations it's still a piece of hilarity. Must be the voice acting. Keep it going!


The graphics might not be... top notch, but the voice acting is pure entertainment. Not that long, but plenty of puns, and a logo that really raises the bar on expectations. The logo is really the best part. Keep it going!

So... this isn't actually a parody on gaming videos but actually... a tribute? If you didn't say so, I wouldn't believe it, but it was hilarious watching nevertheless. Great work on expressions especially. I was thinking the game was RE, since there are plenty of similar elements, but it looks like it's not. Nice work though, keep it going!


Refreshingly harmonious randomness, even with that berserk little space critter there was barely any violence at all... even though the plot was bizarrely grim and drudgeful. I'm wondering, do you do lip sync first and then rotate the character as he speaks, drifting through space, or is everything actually drawn upside down? Nice animation, nice plot, nice voicing, keep it going!


Brewster responds:

Thanks! Figuring out how to do the rotating lip sync was kind of a challenge. I had to make it so that the movement of the actual character was in a symbol which I later tweened to rotate. Then I had to do the lip sync so I brought a duplicate of the character animation symbol (which was stationary) onto the stage and animated the mouths that way. Then I just copied and pasted the frames into the symbol so when I went back to the rotating one the mouths were rotating with it. It seems like the obvious route, and there was probably an easier way to do it, but for some reason that took me a while to figure out.

Half of the scene in this are like seperate artworks, how long does it take to make all the characters so brutally outlined, their skin hue so yellow and glistening, the action so refined and fluent? Though I don't watch the Spimsons much, and have little to relate to in the plot, the animation itself is just awesome. Congrats on the frontpoop; keep it going!


This is just awesome. The combination of oldskool Pacman anume and classy RicePirate style is just perfect. I thought the grand Pac was going to eat that little ghost at first, but alas, it was not so. It was his fate to meet the grim reaper in the form of an endless vortex of anguish and pain. :/ I wonder if I inspired this? Hmm, I'll keep dreaming. :) Love the musical Pacman Remix at the end, and the fact that there's an NG Supporter ad right at the end, which I assume is actually linked to something in the YT variant of this. That's the most awesome part, great to see great artists supporting the community. Looking forward to the next masterpiece!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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